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Everything posted by Buster

  1. Random useless fact; Sofa/Roman and Leora/Paul are watching the same thing on tv.
  2. And unfortunately nothing to hear either.
  3. With that kid right there in the kitchen? That's funny. She's not exactly the quiet type either.
  4. I gotta say van, I disagree with about 95% of what you say but I do agree with your last post.
  5. Good point... except you're not subscribed. Now feel free to eat my 1" dick.
  6. Her legs and ass are her best features imo. If her legs were any thinner I wouldn't have any reason to look at her. Her face is only slightly above average and the poor girl has zero tits.
  7. The girl is attractive although it doesn't look like she has much of a body, and the guy looks like a relative of Anton's. I don't see any bags so they might not stay the night. And not for nothing but I'm getting really tired of all these girls with no tits or ass.
  8. A girl isn't worth looking at unless she's gonna get fucked by a dude. Watching a girl getting her pussy eaten puts me to sleep and girls with strap on's gets old really quick.
  9. Keep dreaming. And will somebody please get that girl a fucking hamburger. Jesus.
  10. How noble of you to stick up for the manatee, but I will continue to be completely turned off by her because she's a fatty. BTW, I've never been attracted to Leora or Nora because they're way too thin for my tastes.
  11. This is primarily why I'm glad I always check CC first before RLC, if I even decide to check RLC at all.
  12. Like REALLY old. I remember when this happened. Damn near a year ago.
  13. Wake me when she comes home drunk with a stranger and fucks him on the couch like the sister did.
  14. And yet you have time to complain about dumb shit on this forum. I believe it is you who are the funny one. If you want pictures, try subscribing to the forum.
  15. Oh yeah? Well when someone tries to take credit for something you did without at least giving you any recognition, you let us know how you feel about it.
  16. That's one of, if not THE slimiest things someone can do on this board. Unfortunately, it happens quite a bit here. Did you hear that RLCVideoArchive? Are you stealing other peoples videos and claiming them as your own? You sir are a slimey piece of shit.
  17. Somebody do CC a favor... download all these vids and then tell us which ones are worth it. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
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