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Everything posted by Buster

  1. The only thing worth showing for most people here is either the girl or the sex, with the pet coming in a distant second. No one really cares how much "stuff" they have.
  2. 1. Men have every right not to work if they don't want to. If Leora didn't work nobody would give a shit, but everybody wants to judge Paul because he doesn't. It's hypocritical bullshit. 2. Just as many women cheat in relationships as men do. I've said this before many times, but Paul should have already been fucking other girls by this point. 3. I already see Leora as a self-centered cry baby, but if she's staying with Paul when she doesn't really want to be with him then she's an idiot too. Either that or she's just a coward that doesn't know how to end a relationship. 4. I'm so fucking tired of people making excuses for her behavior just because she's mildly attractive at best.
  3. Yup. There's a reason why they don't use preview pics.
  4. I don't know what's more insane; the fact that he actually put that up on YT or the fact that it's been there for as long as it has. But I promise you that it won't be up there much longer. Still, that is a pretty sweet video. A nice blast from the past.
  5. A/A are ALWAYS fucking when they have guests over. I think she gets turned on by it.
  6. If it obviously doesn't bother her, why do you even care?
  7. There is absolutely zero difference between playing a game for two hours, watching a movie for two hours, reading a book for two hours, or listening to music for two hours. Each one is nothing more than a recreational activity one does for their own entertainment.
  8. Lol... what breasts? Between Alina and Diana, I don't even think they could fill an A-cup.
  9. If Paul is a 14 year old boy then Leora is equally immature. Leora has never had sex on camera with anyone other than Paul.
  10. I only want about $5000-$7000 for weed, beer and prostitutes.
  11. You misunderstand rodent. Dull wasn't meant as an insult. Just adding on to what Van said about Stepan being dull. Truth is, I can appreciate watching a dull couple over watching a train wreck of a couple like Isabel/Marcelo or drama couple like Leora/Paul. Stepan and Maya both seem to be one in the same, which in the end is good for both of them.
  12. They both seem dull. There isn't a drop of excitement between the two of them.
  13. You mean she's crying AND in tears...? Honestly, who still gives a shit at this point?
  14. Man please. Let's not pretend Diana is some kind of musical virtuoso. Her singing is only above average, and she's far from the point of making any money from her instrument playing. Keep things in perspective.
  15. This is probably the closest he's been to her pussy in weeks.
  16. Is this the demands thread? Cool. I want to go to Amsterdam for 2-3 weeks and I want to go to a party at the Playboy mansion.
  17. I'd prefer a steak, beer and a good action flick. Wouldn't want to ruin my steak and beer with some girl nagging my fucking ear off.
  18. I just want to see the girl on the right getting fucked.
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