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Everything posted by Buster

  1. Double standards much? Or do you prefer to call it hypocrisy?
  2. It'd be even nicer if he could watch them on his laptop.
  3. Really? Because some people don't like a girl they're automatically living in their mom's basement? This is a really dumb statement. Not liking a girl because she's not having enough sex is totally legit, but heaven forbid someone doesn't like a girl because she's fat and they need to get a job? The men of RLC get clowned on for the dumbest shit... do those people still live in their basement? I guess making fun of them is legit too. Sorry if some people here actually have some sort of standard of what they find attractive instead of gawking at every pussy that walks in front of a camera.
  4. Oh well... tonight started off promising but all the girls left.
  5. (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  6. You forgot the most important part of the news... they're all playing on the [cue dramatic music].... balcony.
  7. This is something that has been proven time and time again for many years, although I'd say it has more to do with biology then psychology. Women generally are not attracted to nice guys. I agree with what you said Cho about men and women being equal or at least especially in the 21st century where women are capable of earning just as much, if not more money than men. However, being equal has fuck all to do with the laws of attraction. The issue isn't about equality it's about gender roles and stereotypes. If it weren't, more women would be more inclined to date men that didn't have jobs or had little paying jobs the way men are, or would be more willing to pay for dates or be more sexually aggressive. Regardless of "the emancipation through the work" women are still seen a certain a way and men are still seen a certain way and women still want a certain type of man that fits into what they constitute as being a "man" and it's even perpetuated by half the guys on this board. This won't change until gender roles have been totally broken down. Equality or autonomy has nothing to do with that, nor is it about trying to keep women under control. Women don't want a dependent man and they don't want a pussy.
  8. The only thing I want to see is a picture of her bare ass and a picture of her getting fucked from behind.
  9. Maybe making himself cum is the only way he can get off. That's not the first time I've heard of that happening.
  10. Do you mean Ruslan is on the balcony while another dude is with Katya or is the guest on the balcony while Ruslan and Katya are in the bedroom? In any case, I REALLY would bet on anything crazy from these two.
  11. Oh yeah, well you just -1'd for cursing my ass out! What happened to the days of the well mannered squirrel that used to glide through the skies and send people back in the WayBack machine?
  12. Thanks to everyone involved. Not much more to say than that.
  13. If that guy actually slept through that he must be in a coma. I even heard her trying to quiet from the kitchen cam.
  14. Why is he sleeping in their room instead of the living room? Why don't they just fuck in the living room instead of trying to be discreet in the bed?
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