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Everything posted by eagleb1

  1. The V-H guy who admirably posts here and answers questions swears that they are not related. I believe him.
  2. RLC generally seems to favor wide angle. Most of the others would work only if someone was operating the camera. Of course, RLC paid members have the option of enlarging the image to a full screen. But, don't forget that Windows users have the option of blowing up the image (although losing quality) by holding the flag button and pressing the plus key.
  3. As a voyeur, I enjoyed watching that couple who slept in the LR at around 6 am their time. First the girl tried several ways of getting her blouse and bra off without showing her tits. She finally gave up and just did it. Then they both got under the covers with just shorts and panties on their bottoms. Things were quiet for a while, but from experience (doh), a couple in bed like that, even in a pretty public space, will find a way to do something sexual. Sure enough there was lots of movement under the covers. I know that many of those here will complain about that. But, as a true voyeur (semi-retired) I consider that a win. I have enough experience to mentally fill in the covered details.
  4. I see your point. Let me discuss with tech team and we will get back with the answer, either rejection or we'll move the camera. Until then, this cam covers action in front of sofa, and sofa is absolutely visible on 3rd Living Room cam, available on Trial or Premium plan. So, having seen my point, you have apparently decided to leave it as it has been. Or, are you still discussing it with the tech team?
  5. Why did you change something that wasn't broken? It was simple to scroll down all the topics and see which ones have activity that might interest you. Now you have to go back to the Forum menu to select another topic. Two unneeded key strokes for each new topic.
  6. I am disgusted by your bigotry. Do you enjoy your 19th century values?
  7. I think you should reconsider your position on camera 13 in realm 2. Rotating the camera a few degrees to the right would still show the city views. It would only remove the view of the kitchen table which is completely viewable from the kitchen camera. As a marketer, I agree that sampling can be an effective tool, but this partial sample leaves one with the feeling that they're are being manipulated. Your venture shows a lot of promise, but you expect a lot from people to pay now based on your promises. I'll keep watching to see how it develops.
  8. I'm sure many of us oldsters remember that cover well. At that point I was a VP Finance and my data processing manager was so excited to show it to me. As I look at the cover date, I'm surprised at how short a time it was from then to the events I described in the post that started this topic.
  9. That definitely does work. It looks like the theory that the problem is with the home page is correct.
  10. This might be naive, but why isn't Zippyshare the preferred way for non-premium members to post videos? Sure, you get new ad tabs opening, but they're easy to close and don't hold your computer for ransom.
  11. What an original comment. It's worded slightly differently than the many similar that have preceded it.
  12. "Football club" is very British. Where are you from if you don't mind my asking? Just so I don't appear to be prying, I am American with a house in Connecticut and an apartment in midtown Manhattan (New York City.)
  13. In 1988, my wife, son and I were in St Petersburg (then still called Leningrad). We were on Nevsky Prospekt which is a major shopping street. There was a water dispensing vending machine outside of a store.. There was a metal cup attached by a chain to the machine and EVERYONE drank from that same cup. That's simply hard to imagine in a first world country. An interesting thing happened when we arrived at the airport. One guy in our group had a beard when he took his passport picture but had shaved it off. The clerk inspecting our passport didn't have the authority to let him enter Russia. We had a long delay until they could find someone who could make that decision. I was in the jewelry business and brought along lots of costume jewelry to swap for things. We were able to get all the nesting dolls and fur hats we wanted but my son wanted a Moscow University sweatshirt. No one was able to come up with one, but as we were getting ready to leave one of our traders came up with a Russian officer's cap. It felt like it was still warm and we were afraid to try and take it out of the country. In fact they were more careful examining our luggage when leaving than when arriving. My Reebok sneakers when in great demand, but no one cam up with anything I was willing to give them up for.
  14. The story I remember went something like this: Since Gates’s first meeting with IBM, he had conveniently gotten his hands on a microcomputer operating system similar to Kildall’s, from nearby Seattle Computer Products. SCP, which sold microcomputer boards, needed an operating system that ran on the new Intel 8086 processor. Because DRI was late in porting its system to that processor, SCP hired programmer Tim Paterson to create one. It called this system QDOS, for “Quick and Dirty Operating System.” Gates bought the rights to QDOS for $75 000 and hired Paterson to modify it into MS-DOS; that’s what he licensed to IBM for its PC as PC-DOS. The question has always been why didn't IBM do that themselves. The lengthy article I quoted from is at http://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/software/did-bill-gates-steal-the-heart-of-dos much of it is beyond my technical ability and, at the beginning, the site raise serious doubts as to the author's objectivity. My son and I used to attend meetings of a NY amateur computer club and we saw something like that "laptop" you describe. I think it was an early Compaq and had a 3" screen.
  15. I got into a discussion in the political board about my computer experience. I mentioned that my first home computer was in 1980 when my company bought me a Superbrain to match one in the office which we were using to keep records for a small business we were testing. My version had twin 5 1/4" floppies and 64KB of memory. Here is a link to a site about it http://oldcomputers.net/intertec-superbrain.html This will seem hard to believe but most of the programming was done in Basic by my 10 year old son. It was funny that when the employee running the program needed information, she had to wait for him to get home from the fourth grade. In a sense, we had home computing ability in 1979 when my son was nine. The school district's director of math and science allowed him to access the high school's time-sharing computer. We used an obsolete terminal from my office and an acoustical coupler modem. We had been discussing inflation and compound interest (yes! with a nine year old) when he came up with an age appropriate question. How much would the tooth fairy have to leave at some future point to keep up with inflation? He already knew Basic, so I explained for/next loops. He wrote a few lines of code and got the answer. He finally convinced me that he needed a better game playing computer so our next one was an Apple II (maybe IIe). What was your first home computer?
  16. They are my favorite couple. I enjoy watching them just being affectionate. And, like in a real relationship, it doesn't always lead to sex. And to those complaining about her wearing shorts when she masturbates. in my limited spying on women bating, they've kept at least their panties on in all but one case. In that case I was looking over her shoulder from across the street and could see the video of a woman using a dildo. She kept rolling the video back to when the actress was inserting the dildo into her vagina.
  17. The flag has been the symbol of the patriots who have abused African-Americans since the beginning of our country. If you don't think that the abuse is continuing today, then you're not paying attention. Free speech is a right embedded in our constitution. I think that kneeling instead of standing is a pretty mild way of protesting the many racist things happening. If you haven't stood in their shoes, you can't appreciate how weak any symbol is compared to the reality of what they're experiencing.
  18. Not directly, you had provided the translation. It's complicated and I would really want to know what it says, but there is a way to translate. First, select the text you want to translate by highlighting it and select copy. Open Google Translate in another .tab and paste the copied text into it.
  19. I read your post with no problem on a Samsung tablet running Android using the Puffin browser.
  20. I'm a spotty viewer of this apartment. Would someone please enlighten me about the angels.
  21. I just did and I am stunned. Historically, abortion had been the major form of birth control. This is a country that purports to be first world!!!!! Things are changing, the abortion rate has fallen by 2/3rd s and by a recent account contraceptive use is now 85%.
  22. Why do you all assume that a sexually active woman is not on some form of birth control? I would be more concerned about an STD.
  23. I've understood all that. My comment about how many file names began with numbers was because I had sorted by file names. What I was asking was whether it would feasible to add an option to allow sorting by the apartment thread from which the posting originated.
  24. Presently, you can sort by file name. That turns out to be nearly useless to me since more than half of the file names begin with numbers. If there is some pattern that makes it useful, it escapes me. It would be useful to be able to sort the file by apartment. In many cases, the apartment name seems to be identified. Why not make that a sort option?
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