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Barry Elephant

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Everything posted by Barry Elephant

  1. what does this mean?? does fleugefaenger have some special entitlement that I wasn't aware of? some privilege entitling him/her to be served the video of his choice on demand? jeez. the manners of some people.
  2. Sol, Is it right that you contacted Leora? Did Paul tell you where to get off? Is that what this is about? I know he is a bit of a goon, but you seem to be 'protesting too much' - is that why?
  3. We are shutting the apartment down now, are we? I don't see any ignorance or lack of morals here. Just solembum with a red face riding the same tired old hobby horse.
  4. Mate, do as you like with your precious ignore list, feel free to add me to it, twice, if that's possible. You might want to chill out a little though. The month off clearly wasn't enough. Watch your blood pressure
  5. yes but you come across like someone putting their fingers in their ears and shouting "la la la can't hear you" if you are ignoring it, then why not ignore it, rather than joining in with it just to say "i am ignoring this"? maybe you need another month off :o)
  6. Sorry for being dumb. Yes! he is standing up! a rare sight indeed :o) (thanks rebliz)
  7. They are a couple having a fight. Each will deploy all of the weapons they have at their disposal, and it's fascinating. If you want to call some of that bullying and some of it not, then rock on mate. I see shades where you seem to be looking for lines. We may have to agree to differ on that.
  8. Why? What's going on in the picture? (forgive me if I am missing something obvious, but I can't make it out)
  9. I think that I may have missed the advertising, I tend to avoid commercial environments, but don't t think that impairs my understanding. I don't think the bullying issue depends on the presence or otherwise of "crassness." If someone is saying I do not trust you, then it doesn't matter how it is said, and a lack of trust doesn't equate with bullying either. Some distrust can be found in many healthy relationships. And I didn't mention sneak reading a diary. You did, a couple of times. That is not what I was talking about
  10. Not sure I get what you are saying. I don't understand "obviously people do look surreptitiously". Is that bullying or not, now? I believe that there is an element of saying "I have control" in the phone-reading that I experience. I think that's quite clear. No I don't read her diary. There isn't one and I wouldn't if there was. Nor do I read her phone or emails. That's just how it is. I am not unhappy. I am in the UK, and I believe I can perceive what is and isn't considered bullying. I am also not sure that things are as clear-cut as you suggest. I think it's just a matter of keeping things in proportion, and realising that if someone wants to read my spam and business witterings, then so what? Unless of course there is infidelity, which would be exposed by it, when that all becomes more difficult, and that's another kind of control game, and a different kind of bullying. Sometimes in relationships people posture at infidelity which makes their partner insecure. I call that unfair, you may say bullying,, and it often leads to behaviour like phone-reading, and worse. People aren't always nice to one-another. People don't always act like we think they should. People exercise control over each other and their relationship-scenario in various ways. There are no absolutes of right and wrong when that happens, particularly in a relationship. Call it bullying, call it controlling, we all do it at some stage of a relationship. There is also much lack of trust at the heart of many relationships. There is a lot to talk about in the leora-paul relationship, but most of it is in shades of grey.
  11. My woman continually reads my phone against my wishes. She also creeps my emails. She thinks she is doing it in secret, and I pretend to 'catch' her occasionally, and tell her not to do it, yet it continues. I am not the only man I know who could tell you this. I am sure there will be others on here. Many men suffer many invasions of their privacy, and pretend not to know about it for the same reasons. I don't count it as bullying, scandal, or think it's particularly awful behaviour. It's just par for the relationship course, if you ask me, deals with some little mistrusts and jealousies, and last time I checked, I was here in the 21st century. I put up with it because she's my woman. It sets her mind at ease. I don't like it but she's my girl, so I put up with it. Chill out. Its not that bad having someone go through your telephone, if that person is important to you and it helps them.
  12. what a twatty assumption to make. Shack?! why do you assume the man lives in a shack? That's just shit. Proper arse mate.
  13. do you really have things like that in your head? scores and scores for facial features etc?
  14. Is this directed anwyhere in particular? Of course bullying is not ok. If it were ok it wouldn't be bullying.
  15. about half the time it tells me to upgrade flash, so I swap browser and its fine. half hour later I use the same browser, it tells me to upgrade flash, and I go back to using browser 1, and its fine. doesn't seem like its a commercial offering I though flash went out with public telephones and long playing records
  16. mother fucker? whoa we will be "busting caps" in his "ass" next nearly as silly as the Italian necktie we were going to give him:o)
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