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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Since she will be there longer with Ray I will name her: I think Luna is a nice name for her.
  2. Sorry nobody will do that and besides that its not allowed.
  3. Thought that too. But I am not sure if she fucked George. Could be sth else... At least she was still horny as hell
  4. Yes I think we should just accept their limits for now. And not be so demanding... Things will change when Nina is back
  5. Dont know if he did she must swallowed it because I did not see cum anywhere. His dick went from hard to limp.
  6. Short trip I guess. She did not take much luggage. Only one small bag...
  7. Because Nina is not there. They will need Nina for first sex together I am sure...
  8. Hes her manager. I dont think he will ever fuck her
  9. Yes thats the ones I am talking about. May I ask from which country you are?
  10. Never knew Sushi is so popular in Russia. Here in Germany its quite expensive.
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