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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Anastasia begins dance again to cover how nervous she is actually...
  2. Well Anastasia should follow Mistys example and lose her pants too
  3. Maybe yes. I dont see the chemistry between Misty and Anastasia yet.
  4. See thats what I mean with no food for guests. When there are guest around Anna always makes sth. to eat:
  5. Look at their facial expressions. Would you make such a face when you eat sth. delicious
  6. Lol Ash telling a fairytale huh "And they all live happily everafter"
  7. Guess the real party for tonight might be here. Funny thing is they steal viewers on purpose from the four lazies "party" Maybe thats Annas way to teach them a lesson
  8. Would be much more fun when she tried to hit it off with Rock
  9. I guess she does it because she does not want to swipe of all water from the floor when she finished.
  10. Bree is one of the least shyest girls on VH. I think she even does not know that word
  11. What did she do? SHe does not wanna get drunk with all these guys. Totally understandable. Like @groomy said they are only there to get drunk. They add nothing to the project so far.
  12. Well that "party" is strange. The hosts have no food. Never been to a party without food. If the party was at Annas, Anna and Bree would have made tons of delicious things
  13. Guess the meal wasnt so delicious today:
  14. Next round of alcohol. They all will be done soon and Lisa has to swipe the puke away. Leave while you still can Lisa.
  15. Already drinking hard alcohol. Lisa not participating. I can understand her.
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