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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Funny thing is she seems always to wear quite similar clothes...
  2. She looks very similiar to crazy guest girl Patricia (Huge ( . ) ( . ) 😁 ) But Patricia has a lighter skin tone and a more round face.
  3. Seems she never got one. I will name her Cassandra 😘
  4. Project violations. I guess looking how they sometimes behave and what moonlight told us most likely drugs.
  5. Depression or lack of motivation. Anyways it's not good at all.
  6. Yes I hope the poor thing is okay after being harassed by the old witch...
  7. If you talk about Daniel & Domi I agree there is nothing interesting to watch with them for quite a time now. And Lora with blanketboy is not is not interesting too. I still like them but I have some doubts about their motivation and would not be surprised when they leave.
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