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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. You can still watch her on CB and even have a better view when this is what you are looking for 😉
  2. Was just a guess from me. Could be something else for sure.
  3. Strange that both places of the manager are offline at same time...
  4. Okay not common at all here in Germany. I think it just does not look sexy as you can't see the curves of a girl with those kind of clothes. Looks all the same...
  5. When are you going to show the surprise you talked about earlier? 😉
  6. Wonder why she often wears clothes which are far too big for her. That shorts and shirt just looks hilarious on her as they do not fit at all 😁
  7. Tech issues. Usually means already new people coming. 🤦‍♂️
  8. What did she answer? Can you give me link to timeline?
  9. Yeah I guess nowadays it is easier to produce content themselves so they do not need the big porn studios for that.
  10. Watched it on timeline. Strange situation. She holds the knife behind her back and then gives it to Corben or he takes it away from her. Hard to see because all happened in hallway...
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