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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Yes for sure. But you should be able to talk German 😉
  2. Yeah but this kind of shirt you really only get when you work for the Red Cross in Germany.
  3. German guy or just wearing a shirt of the German Red Cross?
  4. Ahahaha drunk Drew pissing in the bed was one the most hilarious scenes on VH ever. 😂
  5. Felicia is cool. She is always smiling and a very positive person. Her beauty comes from inside. Besides that from the outside she's not bad looking at all.
  6. I'd wish to see some hot girls there too. Most of the guests are always guys. By the way your kitchen cam on the left is still not working @Cristian&Ruta
  7. As often I watched them in their old place. I barely watch them in this one. Cam angles and lighting are just bad. Losing interest on them because of this.
  8. I don't know. Last time I looked there did not see somebody packing.
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