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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. The name Derek means "The one who has his own bed" ? 😂🙈
  2. I agree. I liked Leah. But saying the truth she was not very suitable. I'd rather see Zahia and Joel.
  3. I guess maybe bad numbers. -> Pressure plus she is not made for this in my opinion
  4. When more are arriving they have to use the bedroom too 😉
  5. Monsoon is in no way such crazy like some of you think. She got lucky she had a threesome experience once at Lisa place but that's about it. For me wrong decision giving them a place.
  6. Don't expect any names with that amount of people until they at least fuck to deserve one tonight 😂
  7. Place no longer listed. Support said Iren left the project. Another one for the archives @StnCld316 Thanks
  8. I guess the game is called Horizon Turbo. A racing game with the intention to bring back the feeling and look of racing games in the 90s.
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