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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Thanks for the support cacjc. So far the new Doc thinks the old one is wrong, that is the reason for the test. He wants to find out everything that is going on with them. The V.A. Doc. looked at the same blood work as the old Doc. and said the numbers does not show stage 3, maybe a stage 1 1/2 or a 2 at most. So I expect a fairly clean bill of health. Sorry to hear about your health problems. Hope things work out better for you and whatever is on your liver is nothing bad.
  2. That is what this new Doc. is trying to find out. The Doc. I am getting rid of waited 4 months to tell me I had stage3 kidney disease. But my new Doc. and my V.A. Doc. do not think he is right. So I go for testing today to find out exactly what is going on. This is not just a blood test, I have to go to the hospital for it. The Doc. I am getting rid of is not very good, but at the time it was the only one in the area that was taking new patients.
  3. Sorry Naga I forgot to look at the floor plan. Got some testing to have done today so my mind is only half on what I am doing. That is not much anymore.
  4. Maybe and maybe not. They took Violets name down and may not have put a new girls name up yet. Polya's name was up with Lola's name before Violett left. Have to wait until B1 comes out of UM.
  5. Rose does look like she has lost weight. When she came out of the kitchen she weighed herself on a scale. I can't believe how she is walking around without panties. Maybe she is trying to get the bonuses that Belle got?
  6. Naga after I see Rose standing up I will let you know if she may have lost weight. From what I have seen so far she is firmer looking. Still makes my mouth water.
  7. Would not want you to get hurt Naga. You can wait until Nicole wakes up to tell her Rose is your new love. Just remember to be ready to run.
  8. Rose must be tking over for Belle. She is naked on the bed. If she is Not careful she will be giving some of Belle's views.
  9. Morning Naga. You know if you go to Spain to rub lotion on Rose, Nicole may decide to give you her famous right cross for leaving her out. I will have to go with you to protect you from that right cross. I'll take Rose and you can make Nicole happy.
  10. Lovely Leora are you going to bate for us. Have not been able to see you bate for quite awhile. Always manage to do it before I get up. You are the Goddess of RLC
  11. Be my guest to all you need. That is if there is any left after I am done. One shot may not be enough. To get these images out of my head. Wish Ben would stop that.
  12. Damn Ben why did you have to go and say that? Now I am going to have to have some more yukon jack to get that picture out of my mind.
  13. Thanks Naga I thought that was what it might be but was not sure. I have that in my list of songs. Over 4000 now and growing.
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