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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. They may want 4 girls in B1 at this time. Or they may feel none of them are a good mix with Nicole. Who knows what RLC is thinking.
  2. My idea of why Gina is past 100 days may be right with no new girl in B2. I said that maybe RLC did not have anyone to replace Gina. That may be true for B2 also. Nobody lined up as a 3rd girl in B2 and Belle may be ready to leave or her visa may have expired.
  3. Can't quite make out what you said Naga. Looks like you said something about spanking a crocodile and wrestling with a Komodo dragon.
  4. Rose and Belle need to take thier panties off and run in and wake up Naga's girlfriend and have their way with her.
  5. Welcome back Naga. You did not miss much of anything while gone. At least nothing that was real exciting. Some girl with the same name as Nicole is in B2. I don't think you will like this one though. She does not act like your Nicole. No guys in the apt. over nite or screwing them. She did not take the big bed. So I do not think you will like her.
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