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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Sorry, those have been sold out for quite a while now. Though she is working on a personalized perfume of her own, made from her own fragrant love juices. It's not only sweet smelling but revitalizing as well. It's like having Ponce de le'on in a convenient atomizer mist bottle.
  2. I thought we covered this before. She heads up an international distribution company that specializes in selling her slightly soiled panties. They come in an unmarked black plastic bag for 10 rubles, or $25.00 US. And for a mere $49.95 plus postage, you can purchase them framed with a small art light to hang on your bedroom wall. Enhances the décor of any room, and makes for a nice ambient light at night.
  3. Yeah, she's gone. He brutally fucked her in the ass real quick, and then kicked her off the cot. She then ran screaming and crying out the door. Ah, such is love. :'( That accounts for the Maintenance Outage all of yesterday. She was a one. is it true? photos or video of it ?? ??? I don't believe it for a second. Those are the type of statements that I feel are extremely unfair to the tenants because some people will believe it. Just how stupid are you? Only a person with a twelve year olds mind would believe what was obviously meant as sardonic humor. And don't give me this goody, goody crap about wanting to protect the tenants, as they are a hell of a lot stronger in character than you are. So grow up, and stop trying to play to the crowd with your false claim to saintliness. As with most frauds, it doesn't wear well with you. And to top it all off, to think that moon walker was actually hoping for pictures or videos of it! Just how juvenile and desperate are some of you little kiddies around here anymore? Truly pathetic. And you can lie up a storm or say what you want, but I wouldn't trade places with any of you sniveling little babies in life.
  4. Is that a dog I hear barking? Why it's Maturin. Arf Arf. You won't even pay the twelve dollars to help support this forum, and now you want to try to set the rules.
  5. Just remember, that which is false or counterfeit is worthless. So you haven't really lost anything after all.
  6. I know the feeling. I once gave my heart to the whore of Babylon, her name was Elaine. But I've got my heart back,.. It just takes time, even years sometimes. But you just have to finally discard them like last weeks trash. Then you won't be haunted by their memory.
  7. You mean the ones that made you smile, and the ones that made you want to throttle their throats. Yeah, that could be very therapeutic to me in some ways. But all joking aside, yes it would be nice to be in your company. I take my coffee black with a little sugar.
  8. Yeah, she's gone. He brutally fucked her in the ass real quick, and then kicked her off the cot. She then ran screaming and crying out the door. Ah, such is love. :'(
  9. When I was fifteen this girl once told me that she loved me. I then told her that she could say that to me a thousand times and I will never take it seriously. She then ran into her house crying. And yet for the girls I rummage through in my life, she was the only one who ever really was sincere about it to me. Ten years later she sent me a card that only said,.. "If only you would have believed me." And I called her up after all that time and said,.. "Say it one more time." Her name was Patti, and I will see her again.
  10. It's a fool that ever takes a girl's words seriously when it comes to them uttering those three little words,.. "I love you",.. only to discover that everyone from the milkman to the neighbor's dog has had a tryst with her. As a rough guess, it is probably less than one out of a million that can ever really remain faithful or true to any one man. So just keep your guard up fellas, and when they start to pour out those syrupy lies, just smile and nod, and placate them in return, but never, never, bite into that apple. That way you won't get hurt when you discover just how sour their love truly can be.
  11. Still a non-paying freeloader here I see. And always the consummate liberal idiot that loves to assume that somehow they are intellectually superior in their moral judgments over others. Hypocrite all! As they profess to be the tolerant ones, when in truth they are anything but that. And as to their juvenile views of the world,.. Well, no wonder so many countries in Europe are in such a mess. Now why don't you go back to your drooling and sniffing on Leora's ass, like the worm infested dog that you are.
  12. Can you believe that those assholes that produced that movie did not want her to sing that song. She actually had to fight with them on it all the way. It's amazing how stupid some of them can be. It's probably the most memorable scene in the whole fucking movie thanks to how beautifully she sang it.
  13. Those red dots are to help the snipers line up their sights. With night vision, or under a black light they even glow in the dark. How else would you even see them or know they're there? . . . . .
  14. Too funny! But he's right,.. I'm out of here. LOL! ;D
  15. At the speed in which he moves, I'm surprised that the motion detector would even pick it up. Worthless mope. Even one of his soup farts doesn't stir the air up all that much.
  16. My good friend Pepe. LOL,.. Actually I was just making light of it all. I knew that those drab news cast couldn't really be the cause of her masturbating. However, if I ever should be watching or hear on the news that we finally carpet bombed the Middle East and destroyed nine tenths of the worlds Muslim population, I could see where I might get my rocks off on that. That would turn me on in a big way.
  17. I've watched these two for years, back when he would wear one pastel pink sock on one foot and a baby blue sock on the other. Those of us who know better used to mark the celestial equinox by the two times a year they would fuck. So trying to defend someone like Kinko in this is like beating a dead horse as far as I'm concern. And aside from sex itself, he is just a very dull and boring guy to be around. Period! :) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? :P :-[ :-X :-\ :'(
  18. What amazes me is that she will be staring at the TV listening to some drab news cast and then will all of the sudden start twiddling her twat. ??? I don't understand what there could possibly be about the TV that would get her juices flowing in this way. I mean it sure as hell doesn't have that kind of an affect upon me. All TV ever does for me is piss me off.
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