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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Would you care to elaborate? Just kidding,.. Personally, I couldn't care less.
  2. I know, I'm just so worn out by it all. And besides, I would think that they would jump at the chance, after all, they had a field day with Detroit for quite a while. So why not give them New York City and Baltimore, and let them know that just so long as they stay there, there won't be any mean ole police man to arrest them for just being themselves anymore. Sounds like a solution to me. And the liberals can kiss their asses while being beaten to a pulp by those poor, misunderstood, under privileged folks they all seem to love so much.
  3. They won't be happy until they are given free license to rape, rob, loot, and murder without impunity. A lousy thirteen percent of the population, and this is all we ever seem to hear about anymore! Let them all move to Detroit, or to New York City with that communist asshole there, or to some other liberal shit-hole like Baltimore, and then they can do whatever they want, just so long as it is amongst their own kind there.
  4. Yeah, That kind of mouthing off can lead to a swollen lip,.. maybe even two of them.
  5. Your right of course. But all too often the path they choose is one that leads to agitation and outbreaks of possible violence. And then they are played up in the media as the 'innocent' pick-on ones. Showing no common courtesy as to whether they were even invited to be at that party, and then showing the disrespect as they have done, is not something new! And I for one am getting a little sick and tired of the president, and the attorney general, as well as certain mayors now in this country from just coddling these types of individuals, or trying to put the kind of 'innocent' spin on them as they have done now for the past several months when certain conflicts have then erupted between them and the police. The Baltimore cops, are laying low now, and violence has spiked up there because of this type of nonsense from the mayor there. If this dishonest, and incompetent mayor keeps it up, her city will dissolve into another Detroit. With white, tax paying people leaving, and the city with it's violence is left to spiral down and fall into ruins. Just like Detroit did. The unvarnished truth of it is that people like Eric Holder, and Barrack Obama, and now this mayor of Baltimore all hate white people so much, that they would just as soon just stick their thumbs in their eyes rather than go about and addressing the real truth concerning these matters. If you remember, Obama played up to the camera and spoke lovingly about Trayvon Martin, even going so far as to say he could have been his own son, without even knowing all the facts to the case. Unfortunately, the fix is in, within the liberal media, and the college universities, and the whole Democrat apparatus, until someone finally comes along who will fix the fix once and for all.
  6. There still isn't a remove or delete option. Hopefully that well return again soon.
  7. I think the basics are the best anyway. The more lifelike or natural you can get with a camera the more enticing it seems to be. At least to me at any rate.
  8. Now it's posting twice? And no delete, or remove button.
  9. Hey, I've Got an idea. Instead of it showing that we are "Paid members" How about it saying,.. "Made member" Just a thought.
  10. "Oh look,.. Here's an old ketchup bottle from Woody's garbage,.. That could be valuable. Maybe we can dust it off for finger prints and blame him for the recent spike in Baltimore's crime somehow." "Yeh, dat wood take some of da heat off of da maya, and she wood be so pleeezed wit us." "And look, here's an empty carton of Blue Bell ice cream. Better tread carefully with this one,.. That fucker's not afraid of anything!"
  11. Well if they're looking to harvest some valuable information about some of us here, they're in for a big disappointment I'm sure. They should stick with just rummaging through peoples garbage instead. Sometimes the old tried and true methods are still the best.
  12. I tip my hat for the Admin here, for all of his efforts in saving our little listing ship upon these perilous waters anymore.
  13. When all this was happening, CC wouldn't let me access or get in. And it said that "Woodworker is invalid and does not exist!" What an insult! So it kept trying to get me to use some other user name. And in my frustration I almost did. But I couldn't imagine coming back as something else instead, though I did for a moment consider "Wood Chipper" But that sounded kind of bleak. I am a builder, not a destroyer! Well, most of the time anyway.
  14. Yeah, I noticed that, and such a handsome cuss at that. What is this world coming to? I did try again to reply to StdCld, and it looks like it did go through this time. So what do you think? The Chicoms, or some bent out of shape liberal? One does have to wonder with their unrelenting attack upon free speech and all.
  15. My guess is sabotage,.. Either China is up to it's old tricks here, or some, intolerant, judgmental liberal.
  16. As far as the account goes. What's wrong with the old shoes I've been wearing? I mean they have carried me this far anyway. And thank you my friend. If nothing else, I need a breather as someone else I care about had mentioned to me in a e-mail.
  17. Well that's about it for me, after some fourteen million post; most of which now lay there like a pile of shit just smoldering away in the ether land, I'm pretty much done. Nothing left but to thank those that have been here throughout the past two or three years, and who have made this a lot of fun for me. As well as some really great newcomers such as Karen and a few others like StdCld, and Rubberball. And again back to the old guard with people like Pepe', and Ozi, who is now in the witness protection program out there somewhere. I just want to say thanks to you all. And especially to people such as Foamy, and Tbg. I wish you all the very best. Woody
  18. Here in Dallas Texas, it has been raining so much that my wooden door that leads to my patio had swelled up from the moisture and humidity. It used to shut so smoothly and quietly prior to this, but now had become slightly out of plum and would rub against the upper part of the door jam, making it rough to shut, and a bit noisy if you force the issue. Well your choice of options are simple. You can go to the hardware store and buy a router and some shims and try to rehang the door. (Good luck with that idea, unless your name is Norm Abrams, or Tom Silva) Or, you can use Woody's patented time saving method of putting hand cream on the inside jam and door edge where they bump and rub up against each other. I used 'Aveeno' moisturizing cream. It's simply the best, even better than 'Oil of Olay'. And my door now shuts smoothly and quietly once more. Just thought I'd pass that along. You may never see or hear of this on "Ask this Old House", but it works all the same! Tell me I don't know my shit!
  19. Don't ever look for a win with the current crop of Democrats today. There isn't a Truman within a hundred miles of these incompetent traitors anywhere!
  20. The movie was called "Pink Flamingos". Well one night I went to a party of sorts with my friend Dennis Manning. It was being held at one of those silver Streamline trailers at this trailer park, which actually had two plastic pink flamingos close by the side door. And for a while everything was fine as I sat towards the front of this thing, with my Scotch and a joint just talking to some guy when this other guy and this girl started to fuck in the back bedroom. Well everyone except for myself all rushed towards the back to watch, and then the entire trailer just rose up like a rocket ship about to be launched. It was thrilling! Though some started to panic as they were knocked to the floor, and they had to actually crawl and claw their way back up this isle towards the front just to set this fucker back down again. As for myself, why I was ready for take off, laughing so hard that tears went rolling down my cheeks. I could only imagine what their neighbors next door while peeking out of their curtained windows must have thought. Anyway, the title of this movie, "Pink Flamingos" just reminded me of that time. https://youtu.be/Oz_CNRQFS4s
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