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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. I don't watch much TV, so this is all new to me. Normally I can't stand commercials, but these Serta commercials are pretty funny.
  2. I'm still laughing! That's the real Ronald McDonald. I never did like the fucking creep.
  3. You have to understand, Kerry is a smug egotist, and even though as you said, he doesn't have a chance to win, he would never see it that way, and Obama has played him for a sap in this way in helping to get his Muslim brothers over there in Iran the thing that they had most wanted for so many years. You've got to give that devil Obama credit for selecting the right man for this post. A man most willing to betray his fellow Americans in this Iran deal. Biden is a buffoon, but I don't think he would have been as willing to completely sell out his country in the way that Kerry has done. But then again, who knows.
  4. Yeah, He was a sucker alright. And now we have John Kerry. He prefers black dicks don't you know. Were talking about a real sleazy guy here. Of course we all know that he married Henry Heinz's wife out of nothing more than love, and not for the great Heinz Ketchup fortune that he now has inherited. Because we all know that Kerry is an honorable kind of traitor and not just some run of the mill Democrat opportunist like so many others in that crowd of pigs that our country has had to deal with now for so many years. Kerry: "I'm telling you, this deal is good for our country,.. my masta has told me so." "And he also told me that he is working behind Hillary's back with the FBI to help sabotage her hopes in 2016, and that if I played ball with him with this Iran nonsense he would prompt me up to take her place as the next Democrat rat to hold office in the Whitehouse." "Duh, maybe I said more than I needed to here, but there you have it." "Just remember folks, I sold this country out once before, but I didn't really get much out of it back then. But this time I stand a chance to clean up big, as the future Democrat traitor to the United States of America."
  5. THE CONFEDERATED AND INFURIATED SOMALI TOLL TAG COMPANY LTD. >:( Dear American Shipping company, It has come to our attention that you are currently delinquent in your toll bill. Therefore we have decided to sink one of your ships until you have become caught up. Very cordially yours, From the hut of Sableeza Tabuts, A.K.A. Mister 'P' The head Somali himself.
  6. I don't know about Russia, but I know that China would never put up with such an onslaught as this. There's none of that political correctness bullshit there! When asked by some snot nose reporter once why they don't allow Arabs to fly in their jets, they responded,.. "Do you know just how much those planes cost!" Also, when those Somali pirates hi-jacked a Chinese freighter, the Chinese wasted no time in rounding them up and summarily shooting them all in the head. The Somali's never hi-jacked another one of China's ships after that. While all the other pussy countries just kept playing patty-cake with them as their ships just kept getting hi-jacked over and over again. And to show you just how stupid the Somali's are, they should have just issued Toll Tags, and charged only a nominal amount of money to those ships when they should cross. Those companies would have gladly have paid thirty or forty thousand dollars every time they crossed those shipping lanes as oppose to the outrageous insurance hikes they have had to endure. But just try to find a Somali with brains over there. How funny, a freighter with a big Toll Tag hanging over it's side. ;D
  7. When a persons body is invaded by a virus or germ, that person gets sick. And then, if he doesn't have Aids, that persons anti-body 'White' cells go to work in destroying the potentially deadly disease. A country in many respects is just like a persons body, and it can only remain a clean, wholesome, beautiful country for so long, if this type of disease is not kept at bay or quarantine off.
  8. Fucking California. I don't know how Foamy can stand being around so many stupid people there. It would drive me nuts. It's such a shame that such a pretty state has to be controlled by people who don't have the slightest clue as to what this country was founded upon. Individual freedom and limited government. Just a bunch of loud mouth, meddling busy bodies that want to control everybody else's every move.
  9. Boy, I know that's right. I just repainted my entire place because of it.
  10. So, if elected will he trip over his pants and bare his ass while exiting Air Force One? Reporter: "Oh no,.. ladies and gentlemen, the prez just took a tumble and landed face first upon the tarmac." The Prez: "Izz ok,.. Izz ok,.. it hurtz dog, buts Izz alright,.., da cuntree iz stilz safe." I don't know whether to laugh or cry anymore.
  11. Apparently Pepe' the people at Disney aren't too partial to skunks. Maybe you should try to contact Warner Brothers instead, I think they may be able to line something up for you.
  12. God help us here in this country if Hillary should manage to get elected, the very same could then be said about us. That's bad enough alright,.. But just hope that you never end up with a Muslim in office like we have here. And the truth is I don't know what country this is anymore, as it doesn't seem to resemble the America I use to remember. So I guess I'll just say I'm from the country of Texas. Yee Hah!
  13. One has to be pretty damn stupid to let buffoons like these win them over.
  14. You can blame Obama and Eric Holder for the recent rash of police murders. They did everything they could to encourage it. The most despicable man to ever occupy the Whitehouse.
  15. That's a nice one Mr. Foamy T. Squirrel. Esquirrel.
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