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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Most inexplicable thing about that couple is the huge poster with the turd-like pebbles' stack on the wall. WTF? You noticed that did you? I mean how could anyone miss it? It's been there since day one, so obviously these two aren't maturing, or evolving much over time. The truth is they are both rather scummy, low brow individuals. Her tattoo in that regards is a definite clue as to their love of fine art and worldly sophistication. I mean, for all the things that could have been put up in its place, they prefer to look at something that resembles shit. What does that tell you. And think about this,.. Even RLC hasn't bothered to move them into a nicer apartment, as they have done with practically everyone else. Why is that? Their thoughts most likely would be, why bother, pigs like to wallow in filth, so why waste the money. Now back to that stimulating poster. Who the fuck would have thought so well of it in the first place to have bought it and then carried it home with them? Again, you must refer to that distracting, hideous tattoo of hers for the answer to that riddle. I almost never bother to visit this apartment. I mean I can only hold my nose for so long. But when I saw that comment about that poster, I felt like this just had to said.
  2. There's more energy and intrigue taking place inside of a goldfish bowl.
  3. I was eleven during the Cuban missile crap. And my father was actually considering building a fallout shelter in the back yard back then. I think we should have had our missiles shaped like a big dick. It may not have been as aerodynamic, and it may have taken a little longer to get there. But I think it says something rather important about us.
  4. I saw that episode. That's where he emptied out a crack house.
  5. This is just a test. We repeat, this is just a fucking test. Had this been an actual alert, Blackie would have been given instructions to proceed to the nearest Walmart and BestBuy stores within their surrounding areas. Again, this was just a test, as we now resume with our regularly special programming of Roots, already in progress. No telling how many baby Robins we may have lost during that false alarm?
  6. Well at least I know how snowballs are made. They're made from millions of snow flakes which when tightly packed together become E pluribus Unum! ;) "Out of many, one!"
  7. When I was six years old we went to go visit a cousin who had a farm in Michigan. It was very interesting to me, since I had never been to the country before. They had one of those old white two story gabled roof houses, with a big porch that went all along the front of it. And that evening as the sun was hanging low, we had fried chicken, corn on the cob, and watermelon, and just all kinds of neat things. That was also my first encounter with seeing some pigs. And frankly they're much cuter and smell much better than the city pigs I have seen since then.
  8. Good stuff StdCld. By the way, I'm glad your avatar name didn't just end with STD.
  9. In honor of a great friend. Pepe' See, I haven't forgot,.. I have a memory like an elephant.
  10. Are you sure that dog is a female? Or did Leora just tell Paul that so that he wouldn't feel threatened?
  11. I've liked Johann Jacob Froberger ever since I was eighteen when I first heard him. He was considered the foremost composer of the harpsichord in the sixteen hundreds. And he's pretty much the only one that has ever captured my mood on that instrument.
  12. Obama, After he had just heard he got re-elected. There's no mistaking those ears of his.
  13. I had a hard time putting a like on this one. This girl bearing a striking resemblance to a bitch I once knew, who once told me that she adored me passionately, in much the same way I suppose that Delilah must have said to Samson,... "Ooooo, I just love your hair."
  14. This was before Don Vito and Luca Brasi paid Dorsey a visit. 8)
  15. Looky here,.. We're moving on up! This video is a demonstration of Affirmative action, in action.
  16. They're nothing but shit! And from shit comes shit. So what else would you expect? Let me guess Karen, you got this from ABC news,.. or was it CBS news,.. Oh, I know, it must have been from MSNBC,.. or more likely CNN. Am I right?
  17. I appreciate your critique about keeping the stories short. But 'ART', even in it's most lurid forms must not be compromised. I mean we're not just talking about a little outing in the family boat on lake Pleasant you know. This was about a whale of a dick, with scars, and some bad memories! And one should never be rushed when dealing with such things.
  18. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/05/08/bbq-joint-to-host-white-appreciation-day/70993400/ There's a little video here somewhere. Anyway, it's a guy and his restaurant, who is giving all white people 10% off on June 11th, in what he calls white appreciation day. Of course the low lives are kicking up a fuss over it, saying that the discount should be there for them as well. Obviously, this was news worthy. And a step in the right direction for once!
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