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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Another one from that by-gone era.
  2. What is it Maturin? Is it that you can't stand the thought of a woman who is that much smarter than you? Or is it simply that of you being an intolerant liberal, you just have to try to take a jab at someone who has every right to voice her own opinion, even if you don't obviously agree with her? Something caused you to lash out at her, even though she hadn't prior said anything derogatory towards you. And for the record, I thought that you didn't like Ozi for doing that very same thing. In fact I even thought at times that you may have had a legitimate grievance when it came to that. But now your very much in the wrong here, and somehow I think you know it.
  3. While I still prefer Joan's version of this same song, this one is nice too. If you'll hang in there, it has a nice refrain about midway through it. Ah, Such is love. Unless she turns out to be a treacherous bitch, then it's best to just forget about her.
  4. Written over two hundred years ago. One of the most beautiful, but sad love songs ever written. When I was twenty one, I once gave this girl a music box that played this tune.
  5. When you boil it all down, that's all they're reduced to. I mean what did you expect, a recitation from "Plato's Republic?" ;)
  6. I feel good. It's a beautiful night, and my town isn't burning.
  7. With all that's going on in Baltimore I just thought we needed a little something to lighten the mood around here.
  8. Those nipples are going to make some little baby very happy one day. And I noticed that the scars from the teeth marks from a certain Squirrel and a certain Skunk have finally all gone away as well.
  9. Are you sure? Because I honestly don't recall. And I also honestly always both liked and respected you. I know that Austin is a nice, fun town, or so I hear anyways. And when I was still married, my wife and I had intended to go there, but never did. But from aging Texan to another, I say.. Hi Yall! :) Oh, I know, you probably made fun of the way I wear my hat. LOL,.. Take care my friend.
  10. Yo! Yu gots a problem wit my underwear shoin cracker? And waz up wit yu not likin da ways Iz talk! Iz think yu a racist. A racist racist racist. Yu nuttin but a racist. I suppose yu don't wants your dauter to go out wit me either, isn't dat right peckerwood. Yu jes a big racist dats all. And Iz knos yu cant seez it right now but Im makin all dezs mean threatening signs wit me hands. So taks dat you white honky mofucker!
  11. Hey Rubberball, back when Louie,Louie didn't have so much dust on it, some of the guys were trying to get me to hear that part where the drummer shouted out "Fuck". But no matter how many times they played it and said now listen, I kept saying "I don't hear it". They finally got so annoyed with me over this that three of them all shouted an angry "FUCK!" at that point in the song. And I simply said, "Ah,.. Now I hear it." ;D
  12. And to think, the whole sad affair could have been prevented before it got too far out of hand with just a few dozen basket balls. :-\ I think that the riot tactical unit should have a truck just loaded up with them. On the scene news reporter: "And there they go, they have just released the basket balls from the truck, and they are rolling down the middle of the street right to where the protestors are." "And now the protestors are all scrambling about to grab them as they begin to dribble these amazing balls right before our cameras." "Oh, And look folks, that one angry protestor has just put down his Molotov cocktail and is now actually smiling." "Can we get a close up of that camera man?" "Folks,.. This is just wonderful!" "This is Flunky McBribe for ABC news,.. Now back to you Chet."
  13. Ah, She enters the living room as if it were a stage. I think Will Shakespeare must have had her in mind. And I know that I"ve said this before, but it bares repeating. People like StnCld and Sanpers, are great contributors in making it all come into focus for us technically challenged folks. They have drawn back the curtains and have cast a light upon Leora's little garden of lust and desire for us all. And there are some others like Prodog, who also seems to have a knack for being able to beat a computer into submission along these lines as well. A hearty salute to him as well!
  14. Actually though, what Foamy had written was as concise and as hard hitting as anything can get. And he knocked them right out of their size 15 tennis shoes with that punch at the end. Well done Foamy. From those of us who have had enough of their bullshit.
  15. Here's to you Joan. From a ghost in the past.
  16. I like Joan Baez. Especially her old ballads. Some of which are hundreds of years old, and would be very difficult to sing, if you didn't have a truly great voice.
  17. That outline of the history of slavery by Mr. Foamy T. Squirrel, was not only accurate but it ended with a bang from a highly refined, exquisitely crafted Beretta shotgun. But I'm sorry to say that most of the people who need to know this can't read. And from what they have been spoon fed in their Black Awareness study courses in skoo, would have them der wit der mouths open all befuddled and confused if they were ever to come to grips with this type of realization. The truth is, they are far too intellectually challenged to be able to handle the rigors of a civil society. They're just not suited for an industrial, evolving country. So they hate and resent those that are able to better themselves and their situations, and they want what they have, now that they have been given a glimpse at all of those new fandangle things, such as a 50 inch color TV, and those super huge wagon wheel car rims, and those high amp stereo speakers with exceedingly loud sub woofers. Deys sees dees things, and dey jest gotta have dem.! Dat, along wit maybe a case of dem dar Swisher Sweets,.. a treat to simply die for. Just ask Michael Brown. Unfortunately, the sad truth is, they were much, much happier there in the jungles just jumping out of the trees with vines tied around their ankles so as to let their heads hit the ground, and then bounce back. It was just good fun, and it didn't bring about all of the stress involved in having to compete with Whitey in the academic or professional world. They're exceptional runners, (Lions), and they can beat out a rhythm on an old log that is quite livery, and can be heard for great distances. But they just don't have what it takes, like all of the other races do, in order to lead a civil, non threatening, productive life style, in an industrial, evolving society. Well, that's about it in a nut shell. And people can skirt around the truth of this all they want. But that is what is at the heart of all of their unrest and hostilities. It's just too much for them.
  18. On his T-shirt he has Obama 2016. Well I see that this nigga didn't pass his civics course either. But I'll bet he gots straight AAAAAAs in shooting da hoops.
  19. I think I ran into this guy once at a Seven / Eleven one night. I recognize his teeth. "Aaaaa hisssss hissssss Gimmie sum of dem Swisher Sweets mo fucker, Aaaaaa hissss hisss." And did you notice how the pen was on a chain? That's because they keep on stealing them, right under judge's nose. They just can't help themselves. And his hair! LOL Oooooo weee daddy, that's one ugly nigger there!
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