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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. While not the grandest house, it does have some nice stone work. I particularly like the great PETA hall where the heads of many stags and a water buffalo are to be seen ready to greet the PETA people on various occasions.
  2. Sir William Cecil's manor house. He was the counselor and treasurer to Queen Elizabeth the first. Just thought it was interesting.
  3. And this is for you Patti. Upon the blessings of God,.. I will see you again. Parting Sorrow The halls of my heart are empty and dark~ Now that she is gone from me Where once there were sunlit skies where Natures own joys did grace my eyes Now there is only shadows and gloom that fills this room~ Now that she has gone from me And where once she stood ever so near~ Her gentle laugh ever so dear Now there is only this faint memory~ Of what once was~ Now gone from me
  4. There is something here that I feel I must say. That within the ranks of those who once surrounded me, being in number nearly two hundred; there was never a soul so noble as that of Joseph Harris Young. For in what he had sacrificed for me, is not for me to put into words, but has left me in tears more than once, or whenever I should think upon it. And I love this man, even as God knows my heart is true in this from whence these tears have come, and from whence these words have sprung. But now he is gone. And yet I wish to mention someone else I know who's heart as well is lined with gold, and that is the man who hides behind the gentle name of Foamy T. Squirrel. He is a honorable man, steadfast and true. And I am proud to say he is a friend of mine. I hope you all will excuse me. Sometimes I take a turn of a more serious nature. And this just happens to be one of them.
  5. Thank you Karen,.. I happen to like both of those songs very much. But if you remember "Wild Horses" holds a special significance to me, as I once wrote about us setting all those little ponies free. That was a good time, and a nice night, and justice for one of my own. ;)
  6. And this is for TBG. Amicus Meus All great souls are born to suffer. For it is in this suffering that we come to remember what is necessary to live again. The Compass To see with eyes not open~ To feast with those that are dead To hear what's not been spoken~ And speak what's ne'er been said Until the spell of time is broken~ To remember is to live again Written at age sixteen
  7. Don't tell anyone Karen,.. They'll just get jealous. Shssss, I'm whispering this so that no one hears me, but the rose in Elizabethan times was the symbol of a secret. But don't let on that you know this. It will be our little secret. :)
  8. I just love that Spanish guitar. Segovia no less! Makes me want to stick a rose between my teeth, and dance the Flamingo. Well not quite, but it does stir up the romantic in me. Some really good stuff, from some really great people here.
  9. I like it. It's natural, not that studio packaged crap we get fed so much of these days. It's also nice to hear a guitar that doesn't just sound like some over amped hornet in heat. I like so many different forms of music. From classical, to you name it. If it's good, it's good. What I don't like is Hip Hop, Rap, or that head banging heavy metal crap. It's never good, and it isn't even music as far as I'm concern, just a lot of noise.
  10. Another one that brings back some rather sad memories for me. Thanks again Rubberball. He really was outside of the run of the mill singers.
  11. Thanks. He died some time ago, but was consider a singers singer. He never cared one wit about fame, and so that is why he is still relatively unknown by many. However Peter, Paul and Mary mentions his name in one of their songs. And whenever word would get out that he was recording a lot of famous singers would go to the studio to listen to him. Even Bob Dylan, with his engorge ego would attend. Me too Fred.
  12. If Paul gets wind of this, he'll be pretty upset. He might even go about marking off his territory again by pissing on the walls like he did once before.
  13. Nice stuff Stash. Much appreciated.
  14. Maturin,.. Because you treated me with respect, I will do likewise with you in return. Look, there once was a guy who used the avatar name of EMI, which he probably had gotten off of a record label, who really did do a good job of teasing us as if he were a woman. Some even PM'd her, or him I should say. But when it was later revealed, we all just had a good laugh over it. I even posted that revolting song, "I Am Woman", to highlight the occasion. But I really don't believe for a second that Karen is a guy. The whole situation with her from the beginning to the present, has never been anything close to the type of spoof that EMI had presented to us some time ago. And I just don't see why you would have any reason to think of her as anything other than what she had always sincerely claimed to be.
  15. Yeah, that's a good one. Very nice memories attached to that one for me as well. But not quite as personal as it obviously is to you. Don't you just miss those old days though,.. Things were just so much nicer back then, including the current pop culture.
  16. Have you ever noticed in that movie, "Pleasantville", there wasn't one Black in it. Not a single Travon Martin, or Michael Brown was featured in it. It was very pleasant indeed. But this obvious racial slight had cast the producers of that movie in a very bad light as being somewhat racist. However there is good news, as I heard that these same producers were coming out with a sequel to that movie in the spirit of fair play, where there will be many prominent Blacks portrayed in it. Look for the exciting previews coming soon to a theater near you. "Pleasantville in Flames" I saw the preliminary screen shots, and I must warn you, it just isn't the same pleasant place as before. For one thing, the quaint and charming soda shop had been replaced with a Seven/Eleven. And they also did away with that beautiful park to make way for an emerging welfare building there. And with the advent of desegregation and section eight, that once charming neighborhood with its tree lined sidewalks and beautiful houses is now spewed with empty beer bottles and trash, along with gang graffiti of every typiction. It was so sad, as I walked out of that screening room fighting to brush away the tears in my eyes, amid the chanting chorus at the end of "Burn Baby Burn."
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