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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. "Gimme dat,.. You white mo fucker!" "Dats mine!" I find it funny, well sad actually, that we have had Asian people come here to this country, who at first couldn't even speak our language, but who then quickly learned it, and became very productive well mannered citizens, and who have bettered themselves through their industry and small shops, and are very courteous, nice people to both live and be around. They don't rob, or loot, or car-jack, or play bumper tag to get you to stop your car so that they can rob, rape, and kill you. And they also don't burn down their own community the minute that things don't go their way. No other race of people have caused us to have to spend so much money on alarm systems, guns, insurance, and in law enforcement, or in our constantly having to build more and more prisons. A tremendous amount of wasted money due to their savage, animalistic behavior.
  2. Having grown up in Detroit, I consider myself to be a resident expert on Niggerism. I have studied the hairless ape up close and over the span of many decades. And the one thing I can tell you is that they just love to loot and to riot. Just give them any excuse, however slight, and they'll be there lickety split, just knocking down items from the shelves of Walmart, and Target, and Circuit City, before you can say, "I have a Dream." And in every other state that has suffered from Hurricanes, such as Florida. The people there just pull together to help each other out as they set about to get their lives back in order. But when Hurricane Rufus, I mean Katrina hit the heavily black populated state of Louisiana, they had nothing but looting and rapes, and murders take place. All you need to do is just give them an excuse, and believe me, any excuse will do, and you can count on this type of scenario taking place with them.
  3. Oh, You mean the micro dot. Yeah, it's handy at times. But there's something brewing that I am bound to bring out just for the fun of it, and for old times sake.
  4. Yes. It's not as interesting I suppose as some things that are worth mentioning, but it was a thrilling moment for a lot of kids that day, to be sure.
  5. If I were a fucking genie, I'd grant you that wish. You wouldn't even have to rub my lamp all that hard for that request.
  6. Soylent Brown too. Which is very good with a some Thunderbird wine, and a couple of Swisher Sweet cigars afterwards.
  7. I left a story here a long time back that is one hundred percent true, to where I in effect told this Muslim man that I used his Koran as toilet paper. The story is funny as hell, but I'm not going to repeat it all because I'm not in the mood to type out all those words. But after this Muslim tapped on this paper back copy of the Koran that he had placed on the corner of my desk and said.. "You know______ (My name).. You really ought to try this." I then looked at him and said,.. "You know what, I did,.. But I found Charmin to be much softer." That fucker got flush in the face and left that car dealership in a huff. When my manager asked me what that was all about, I told him he was asking for directions to Mecca, and I told him where to go. He laughed,.. He wasn't partial to them either.
  8. Now there's a man with guts. Though in Dearborn Michigan, he would have needed some reinforcements. More power to him though.
  9. We need to push back, and hard, if you want to still be able to call this country America. If I were thirty five, and sitting on a mountain of money, I'd do something to wake this country up! Duke university now plays the Islamic call to prayer over their PA system every Friday at one o'clock. Apparently they're not one bit concerned over a number of parents who do not want their little Johnny or Sally to have to listen to that crap. For Christ sake! It was a Christian university founded by the Quakers! And now we have this other liberal university banning in effect freedom of speech to appease this Muslim sympathizer. And yet, over half of what these universities receive in the way of money comes from the federal government, ie, the tax payers! Make no mistake of it,.. It is the liberals that are the enemy, both here, and abroad.
  10. I feel sorry for the defenseless kids in the public schools that are force to sing songs that supports this age old scam of the left. They have been at this now since the late sixties, and one of their crack pot scientist back then said that the earth would come to an end in about seventeen years because of this global warming. That means the world ended in 1986. But now you have the latest scandal from the Democrats, and most notably the Clintons, as they have received 31.3 million dollars for their support by the Russians in letting them acquire 21 % of all our uranium. Once again the Democrats have proven themselves to be nothing more than a bunch of corrupt traitors. The founding fathers of this country would have had them all hanged for treason, if they would have been around back then. And I for one am sickened by it all, and do not feel that the United States of America will survive for too much longer, given the way the Democrats have been allowed to succeed in the destruction of our country. They have planned this countries demise every step of the way through their influence in our schools, including our Universities, as well as through their propaganda machine, Hollywood and the liberal media. The question is,.. When will the Republicans, if we should win the presidency, and thereby then will control the congress, and the senate, as well as the white house,.. When will they start to plan for the future, in dismantling and neutralizing all of the mechanisms that the Democrats have been using over the past 60 years to brain wash and control the doleful ignorant in this country? When will they find the guts to fight back? It's a rhetorical question that I don't see ever happening. Get elected president,.. Oh boy! Do a waltz or two on inaugural night,.. Wow!, isn't this fun! And just think, I have the support of both houses too,.. Oh lucky me! Now what shall I do first? I know,.. I think I'll show my magnanimity by reaching out across the isle to all of those treasonous pigs in the Democrat party for some of that good ole by-partisanshit! That way the liberal press won't pick on me so much. (And no, I didn't miss-spell by-partisanshit) Fucking cowards! That's why I'm not very optimistic concerning the longevity of our 'once' great country.
  11. He's become a mooderator, much like me. It's his mood you have to watch out for now.
  12. Well if her head starts to rotate around and around, or if she decides to just piss all over the living room floor, then you'll know that there is a problem there.
  13. When I think of Katie, I think of "Katie bar the door!" Who knows from what? But tell Katie not to worry so much about the matadors,.. It's the fucking bulls you have to watch out for. In my youth, I always had an eye out for them.
  14. She probably ripped the ticket right out of his hand. "Gimmy That!" As visions of hot dogs and beer went swirling around inside her dizzy head. Sorry Charlie,.. You should have known her better than that. If I had known her, being as cute as she is, I suppose I would have had to don on a baseball outfit, (Her team of course), and go pay her a visit, perhaps on trick or treat night. I'll take my chances. "Batter Up!" Oh, and I'll bring my own hot dog with me. Maybe even put a little mustard and relish on it if she's partial to that. ;)
  15. https://youtu.be/pVRtpdHHMf8 For you Karen, from a fragmented, black hearted man. Very hard to see through my window too.
  16. I apologize for the fact that some of these uploader just have to put in the lyrics, nice and big too so you can't miss them. I'm half surprised they don't have some bouncing ball as well, so we can all sing along to it. "Just follow the bouncing ball folks" And you've just got to love the big ---Interlude--- that comes up across the screen at some point. Personally, I would have never have guessed otherwise. But it's nice though, as it gives you a chance to throw back a drink in between the chorus. And it was very thoughtful how it shows "The End" at the end,.. I mean how else would you know? ~THE END~
  17. And here's a little something for all you feminist out there. No hard feelings girls. In fact I've never had anything hard for you. 8)
  18. https://youtu.be/E8PYT1W1guo And I don't give a fuck if nobody likes it. Here it is, and here it stays.
  19. If done right, it would make a new girl out of her alright. Maybe someone should mention that to Paul. Then again, he will probably just botch it anyway, so don't bother. But I mainly just wanted to say that both Sanper, and StnCld, are both top notch pros. at capturing the moment when it comes to our own little Leora. They are like the Ansel Adams of Camcaps. True pioneers in visual and technical stimulation. There's just no other way to put it.
  20. He was a great moderator in my opinion. But with all the antics and bullshit attached to it, it just took the fun out of it for him. He couldn't even enjoy this board that way that he used to. So now hopefully he can once again.
  21. No,.. Because if it were just about brute strength, then it would only be a matter of time when some scout or some owner would draft a trained gorilla into his team, and it just wouldn't be the same. And if the pitcher got reckless and should hit the gorilla with his fast ball,.. Well, that would be the end of that pitchers career. Because you need arms in order to pitch. It would be funny though to watch that fucker round the bases. And if he gets it into his mind to steal second, the only way your going to be able to keep that monkey on first would be to hold out an orange, or a banana. Other than that, there would be no stopping him. But if it were my team, I'd put the monkey third in the line up. Let a couple of guys get on base first, and then let the monkey take a swing at it. And boy if he connects, it would be like trying to catch a mortar shell in mid air! You'd be a fool to try. And even after a few ground balls, there wouldn't be much that you could do with the turf after that except maybe plant corn in it.
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