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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. It's a sad situation all the way around, for Angelina, her mother and rest of the family, for perverts that got to know her over the years on RLC, and all her friends. RIP Angelina!! I know this is never a good time to bring something like this up, but with all the people that have graced the doorsteps of RLC, it's surprising that it has never happened before. Especially with all the drugs and alcohol those people consume. Maybe this will be some kind of wake up call to at least one tenant and hopefully more!!
  2. Bullshit....I assume you are referring to the master suite on floor two and if so, that job should have been completed a long time ago! After hurricane Harvey, I had to have all the flooring in my downstairs replaced, it took 6 days from start to finish. The workers in Spain need to take less siesta's and work more....lazy sumbucks!!
  3. OK thanks Naga. Yes, she gave the viewers the finger. Kristy huh...it's was hard to see it from one pic.
  4. From the one picture I've seen of Ariana from the pictures thread, she reminds me a lot of Milana. Her facial features are very similar and I wish there was a better picture of her eyes be cause I bet they even look more similar. Does anybody else she the resemblance? Milana was here with her partner in crime CoCo years ago.
  5. Bullshit, but you heard it folks...straight from the horses mouth!! Damon was not Damira's boyfriend, he was her fuck toy for the project!!
  6. Why you people insist on calling every guy these girls bring home their boyfriends is beyond me!! Damira brought home a fuck toy from off of Tender or out of a club, it's very easy to see from all the reading of her while she was here, that the guys she brought home were fuck toys and not boyfriends!!
  7. Is there a way to make the most recent topic that was posted in, always move to the top of the thread? Right now it seems that the Pictures & Video topics are stagnant and always stay at the top of the thread. Can this be changed to where the current posts always show up in topics at the top of the page? I don't know if what I'm asking for is very clear so here is another way to look at what I'm trying to say.... ...Let's say a forum member clears all the topics in any particular apartment thread. The next time the member logs in to the forum and goes back to that apartment thread, there are four topics that have new posts in them but instead of them starting at the top of the thread by priority, they are scattered about. I hope this makes sense!
  8. I'll bite!! There is nothing more than I would want from RLC, and that is for them to get back to how they were when they first came online. Right now there is absolutely nothing that would want to make me subscribe to RLC! Nelly & Bogdan are a freaking joke, never liked them...never will. All the constant recycles needs to come to a stop! All the existing couples need to be kicked out, along with Masha! I don't like RLC anymore and I'm only here because of the forum and to pick on you guys. I think it's wrong to put Piper and Taylor in B5, there should only be male/female couples in there because i'm sure that all you are going to see now from B5 is Piper & Taylor walking around naked or at least topless in front of a supposed married man and that's just wrong IMO. Like several people have been saying, it's time for RLC to get back to the way they were and flush every single tenant down the toilet with the exception of Ariana because she is new. RLC is doing absolutely nothing to help their cause!! Naga...no offense bud but you are just weak! If you re-subbed for one new girl, that just confirms it. I know that you've seen enough of Monica over the years and for you to use her as one of the reasons you've come back....well, I just have a hard time believing that, sorry.
  9. OK...is there a timeline of fixing the problem with the chimes? That is really the only thing that I would have liked to see come back after the update. If it's going to be awhile, please tell me it's going to be awhile and don't blow me any smoke...RLC is already doing enough of that for everybody!!
  10. Are we ever going to get the chimes back?
  11. Rado07, you know RLC doesn't care if the night vision is working because if they did they would make it impossible to turn off. Same shit, different day!
  12. Yes lol, right after I posted my reply to Ze81, I noticed those 3 dots and clicked on them and low and behold there was an edit function. One thing I did notice was that after I edited my post by adding the word Test to the end of it, it moved my post to the next post in line or most current post I should have said. At any rate, thank you and Naga for telling us computer challenged people that we can edit our posts. I appreciate the help Ash!!
  13. I don't like all the info cluttering up the page on the right side. I wish that was gone and I wish the new upgrade would have brought back the chimes. Other than that and the fact you can't edit a post, it's OK. Test
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