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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. It really bothers you that this forum is more of a chat forum than a regular forum doesn't it? It's more of a chat forum because when RLC is constantly changing out the tenants in the Barca establishments there is so much going on that it would be hard for the members of this forum that are also subscribers to RLC to keep up with. As it is now with the pandemic in place there are tenants that have been on RLC for so long now that the subscribers (natives) are restless and quite frankly bored with RLC. In a slow period like it is now due to the pandemic people have more time to post to the forum but whatever gave you the idea that everything posted to this forum needs to be some long drawn out philosophical discussion? I'm sure there are threads within this forum where that kind of discussion happens but in the apartment threads it's never really been that way. Anyway, maybe I don't know what i'm talking about but your endless harping about the chattiness of this forum is quite demeaning to the participants of this forum. It's been working just fine and I don't see where it should ever change. I'm a member of other forums and even those forums don't have long drawn out philosophical discussions going on all the time. Usually there is a lot of questions on the other forums I'm a member of because that is more or less the design of those forums. You ask a question based off something somebody posted and the membership of the forum goes out of their way to provide you an answer. Usually on this forum the questions range from....who is the guy in the apartment, what time did that happen, where has everybody gone, what movie are they watching, you see where i'm going with this? This forum is about posts from people watching a live website and commenting on it as things happen, and not a website about fishing or tractors or needlepoint. This forum is different because of the live sites it supports. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that site you mentioned...Discussed.cc, wasn't that the RealLifeCamFan's site that was renamed?
  2. The way it is now, you might as well just watch RLC, because by the time you wade through all the topics you could have missed a lot on RLC! Glad I don't have to worry about that anymore!!
  3. LMAO you must really be bored to come up with a question like that! I would imagine as long as there is a will, there is a way and because of that I believe it goes on into infinitum as long as there is an internet. I'm probably wrong because i'm just shooting from the hip with that theory....but am I? It's like the age old question, if a tree falls in the woods and there is nobody around to hear it, does it still make a sound? Or, just how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck chucked on wood? Or, how far can a dog run into the woods? Or, just what the hell is 4 corpulent porpoises? What the hell is 5,000 Macedonians in a full battle array? That should keep you busy for a few minutes LMAO
  4. Do what you gotta do Moos, the way the forum is now it really doesn't matter to me if i get shit canned or not. I know i'm not the problem with this forum like you make me out to be but I can understand where you want all your forum members to be weak and afraid to speak up and go along with everything. Sure makes your job easier that way doesn't it Moos!! If it was up to me and I could set my own user privileges, I would set them to where I could only read the apartment threads but could not comment in them and still could receive and respond to PM's. I would leave myself full privileges for the rest of the forum ie. read/write functionality.
  5. Yes, I've been around this forum damn near since the beginning and at that time the forum members didn't have a choice but to accept it the way it was already set up. I dealt with it the best I could at that time, but what you fail to see or just plain don't want to see is the difference between the size of the forum and RLC at that time compared to the size of them now. Then, low and behold the General Chat topic hit and what a relief it was, everything you wanted to or needed to read was all in one place and easy to follow and catch up on events within each apartment. There was no more topics scattered all over the place or wasted time searching for what you're looking for or needed to read to stay current on what has/had happened in whatever apartment you were interested in! Just now, about 10 minutes ago I marked every topic as read for the Leora, B1, B2, and B5 apartments because for me it wasn't worth wading through a bunch of BS to see if anything happened or not. I guess I'm just done with the whole thing pretty much now that you all have changed the forum from something that was working perfectly like a well oiled machine to a forum that is now running on the jagged edge!!
  6. I always wanted to fish the Keys but never had a chance, too many outside interests I guess. Between golf, adult baseball, bow hunting, bow fishing, fishing, hunting, real estate, and everything else life keeps you busy with just never gave me the chance. Luckily now though, I have good fishing spots in the time of the year that is best for me and good hunting spots also in the time of the year that is best for me.
  7. No explanation needed Corbo, you understand it perfectly. What is happening now within the forum is a knee jerk reaction for the mods not doing their job. The new concept is a pain in the ass, I don't like it and I won't support it!!
  8. LOL you think I have a Texas drawl? Fortunately for us we got a little wind and hardly any rain out of hurricane Laura. I'm not at a stage in my life where I want to go through what I went through with hurricane Harvey ever again so I'm glad Laura turned North at just the right time. Thanks for asking though.
  9. I just got through reading at least 4 different topics worth of total crap and had the apartment thread totally cleared. I left to go catch up on Carla's apartment thread which had 2 topics and when I came back to the Leora apartment thread there was 4 topics with more posts. To hell with this new approach and up your noses with rubber hoses!!! I will be so far behind now because i'm going to wear out the "Mark forum as read" option so once again...up your noses with rubber hoses!!!
  10. This is RLC you are talking about! RLC doesn't penalize any tenants, they will simply ask the tenants to tell the guests not to cover the cameras again and that will be that until it happens again and again they will simply ask the tenants to tell the guests not to cover the cameras again and that will be that until it happens again and again they will simply ask the tenants to tell the guests not to cover the cameras again and that will be that until it happens again and again they will simply ask the tenants to tell the guests not to cover the cameras again......do you see where i'm going with this LMAO
  11. That's what I'm talkin bout!! Fishing and dirt tracks...no place like home LOL
  12. Good memories indeed Ashley!! My dad was all about hunting and my mom was all about fishing and some hunting so I guess you could say my dad got me into hunting at a very young age and my mom is responsible for my love of fishing. We did the same as your dad and yourself used to do, we would get up well before daylight and pack food and drink and then stop somewhere for a honeybun or something small for breakfast and then fish until about 2 hours before my dad would get home so we could rush home and tidy up the house before he arrived. I remember those days like was yesterday!! I hope we both get out in the fall!
  13. I only fish early in the spring and late in the fall. I can't cope with the hot weather in my condition, the heat really tears me down. Sounds like you had a good time on the pontoon boat even though you didn't really get to catch any keepers. An 18 1/2 flounder is a fatty for sure and soooooo good eating in my opinion. I'm just glad you got to get out in it!! Short story about flounder...many many years ago, about 17 or 18 years ago I would guess, a buddy asked me another buddy of ours if we wanted to go with him to take his boat out in the bay to run the motor to make sure it was functioning properly as he was going to sale it to a guy at his work and then get him a new Yamaha motor. He said we were going to do a little fishing while we were out there as well. To make a long story short, we ended up boating 54 saddle blanket flounder and would have had a total of 60 but I had to be back home because I had promised the wife I would take her out to eat and see a movie. It was one of my all time favorite fishing trips because we caught all 54 of them on soft plastics. Enjoy yourself and fish as often as you can!!
  14. You're not a freeloader to CC which is what I thought he was referring to but I'm probably wrong.
  15. Personally, I believe the content is lacking because RLC is lacking. Is there content in the VHTV threads? I ask this because I don't venture into those threads. RLC used to promote some good discussions but now days it just doesn't, plus...when all the DMCA orders caused CC members to stop posting pics and videos from the paid cameras, the forum really took a hit as to what was talked about. Subscribers of RLC that don't live on their computers with little sleep for fear of missing something, had no way to really stay current with what was happening in any particular apartment thread. One topic (General Chat) was the only topic that was needed to quickly catch up with what had happened and or was happening. I honestly don't see where creating multiple different topics is going to improve anything as long as the content of RLC's site stays the way it is. I must really be an ignorant person as I am just not getting it!!
  16. I was hoping for more but I will settle with what I can get.
  17. Hmmm....I guess that means me! It's cool, i'll slack off as this is a good time to do it.
  18. Ruh Roh...somebody poked the sleeping dog LMAO. Top of the morning to you TBG! Maybe I just don't understand what the Admin and Mods are trying to accomplish and you fully do considering you have been in the show. Could you please explain it to me in laymen's terms so that I might understand? Thank you.
  19. How is creating more topics going to make this a better forum?
  20. What you fail to understand is that forum members could always create a new topic (unless I missed something over the years) in any of the apartment threads. Then came along the General Chat topic under each apartment and people started using it for all their communications for said apartment. In the General Chat everything was in one place and easy to keep up with instead of searching multiple topics trying to find what you were looking for. Anyone could still create a new topic if so desired and like Mr. Chili sir as you referred to him as, told you they tried this a year ago or two and it didn't work then and it's not going to work now.
  21. sounds like she's a good candidate for just that lol
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