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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Pirate, I appreciate the video so much that you couldn't imagine. It just goes to show me how capable you are with what you do. You my friend.....if I may call you that, are one of the best people on this forum that I know. I cherish everything you have to say because I know that before you say anything, you have actually thought about what you wanted to put into words. If there is anybody that needs being envied, it is you my friend!! Family isn't everything in life, it just so happens that I have a good one. Family that is full of love and understanding, family that is caring and will go to their death bed to take care of you, family that understands the struggles that one of their siblings is going through and wants to make their pain enjoyable. You my friend, are a person that I can call my family!! Thank you so much Pirate......AKA..J!!!
  2. thank you Sexytreach. i kind of figured as much but wanted to make sure.
  3. I just want to know how good the shows were last night with Salma and Olya......and Ariela and whoever she was with. Would any of you tell your buddies or girl friends about RLC and take a chance on your reputation after the shows last night? Is it worth me searching the virus ridden porn sites to try and find any of the shows in the past couple of months? Most of you know how I feel about the pussy licking part of the shows.......if you can't see the tongue licking the pussy, it ain't happening!! It's kind of like the old rule "1 is none, and 2 is 1". I doubt that any of you will understand that rule but that's what it's like when it comes to the pussy eating shows of RLC. Yes, the camera placements are shit in most of the apartments or they were when I was watching I should say, but with the girls knowing that, they should make it a point to make sure they position themselves so the viewer gets the best view. It sounds like Salma would really try to make that happen because she's a team player where the others don't really care. At any rate, is it worth me scouring the hundreds of porn sites to try and see these shows?
  4. Like I told Fagen....don't bet on it and when she's had Grace and Tori and the girls in B1/B2, the maids will be next. She was brought back because RLC new they could count on her to spice the site up and that's what RLC needs right now.......some spice!
  5. Yes sir, you are correct. It is all for show and it always will be. It's the nature of the beast as they say when it comes to supporting a business that is basically selling naked women, shows, and sex!!
  6. regardless of what he said until now, from his very first post to his 43,725th post, it's a mute point. everyone is going to have their own suspicions of any of these girls and each person is going to be different regardless of what they see happening live on RLC or what they see on their social media pages or what is translated for them. none of these girls are angels or even close to straight laced! like i said, this is my opinion of what I believe about these girls. what i say about any of these girls might not make sense to you or anyone else, but it makes sense to me and that's all that matters.
  7. So true Sergio! The reason the Barcelona apartments were renamed to "Girls on Vacation and Couples on Vacation" is because of all the time the girls were spending outside of the apartments. I know I sent them a boat load of emails asking them why they let this happen and I'm sure others did as well. They renamed it to GOV to get subscribers off their back. I am convinced that RLC uses these girls when they are out of the apartments and renaming them GOV eases the inbox load and covers their a$$es with subscribers. There has been way to many times when the apartments/house have gone UM for 30 mins to 1 hour only to come back on line with girls missing which tells me they hurried up to do something for RLC. There would be absolutely no reason to put the apts/house UM if the girls were going out normally. You can say what you want but them being in the apartments/house is secondary to why they are actually in Barcelona.
  8. LOL it's not strange at all. It was for a show and nothing else, just like the rest of the RLC BS!!
  9. It is nothing more than an apartment where both had mutual interests. I don't think either one of them are in a committed relationship. They took the apartment because they are too f@cking lazy to get out and get a real job that pays honest money!! They took the apartment so they could party anytime they wanted to and sleep the day away just like all the other lazy tenants on RLC. There is nothing substantial between the two. When the shit hits the fan, they will be back together drinking their asses off and taking their drugs which they could never do in a REAL job. It's just a couple of people that thought they could get by and everything would be hunky dory if all they had to do was have sex on camera every now and then. i've seen it many times on RLC!
  10. You are right Ze, if it was previous girls of B1, B2, or B4 coming back with their partners and being a complete couple in COV apartment that would be great for the viewer. When their friends visit and they have a dinner or they get together for chit chat, that would be good, but when they do their shows it would just ruin it for me if I was a subscriber. It does take all the REAL out of it and it's nothing but fake to draw in more subs. It started out well but it's become just another show apartment from what I read about it.
  11. We had a great time and even though the weather didn't cooperate, everything else was jam up and jelly tight!! Family is the most important thing to me and even though we were limited to the garage and house those 5+ hours, we made the best of it. The guys hung out in the garage watching baseball and the girls hung out in the house. I let both my grandkids play in the rain when there was no thunder and lightning. It was a great day and a great birthday!! Thanks again Sniper..
  12. Thank you Sniper man. I just got home and the weather didn't cooperate. It rained it's butt off from 8am to 2pm and then again from 4pm to 5pm and was sprinkling when I left a short time ago. However, it was a huge success with lots of good food, family, and friends!!
  13. Thank you Don't. The rain won't ruin it, it will just make people want to stay inside. We've had enough rain down here in the past few days for everybody to have some. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if the forecasters were 100% wrong. Have a good one as I am fixing to get ready to go. My daughter and grandchildren are going to get there early so I can spoil the grandkids.
  14. Thank you Naga! I just hope the weather cooperates and if not, they will be cooking in the garage and people will have to stay inside. We've had some terrible weather the past few days and tomorrow it's supposed to rain it's butt off. We will have a good time no matter what. Thanks again...
  15. Welp, tomorrow is my birthday and my son and a buddy of mine are putting on a big crawfish/shrimp boil in my honor. Jumbo crawfish and shrimp with all the trimmings......corn on the cob, new potatoes, mushrooms, artichoke salad, and plenty of ice cold German soda water. I hope the rest of you have a great weekend but my Saturday is going to be better than most!
  16. typical of the people on this forum that loves these girls........what a joke!
  17. i like the way you think but you can bet your ass that isn't going to happen. every couple in the COV apartment will have connections with the other Barca apartments.
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