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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I think Sara & White should have to leave the RLC project and let Ilona have two new girls!!
  2. Girls like her are a dime a dozen in the acting field and if she thinks that not showing anything is going to help her career, she has another thing coming.
  3. The balcony is a joke for sure. White turns up the television as if we can hear what they are saying or even understand what they are saying. Nothing but a joke!
  4. I really like these two girls, I think they are both attractive in their own way! I just wish they would show a little more affection & intimacy. I think everyone will end up liking them for the most part!!
  5. I am the casting directory so I will need to check you out myself and I say to get on with your bad self :)
  6. It's not like there is allot to miss that happens on that couch any way! However, I believe the best place they could have put the tree is right in the bend of that wall to the left of the entryway as you come into the apartment. I'm sure they put it where they put it so they could see it all the time and i don't blame them, but in this situation where people are paying to see them with every camera, it's not in a good spot! Someone mentioned in an earlier post that they thought the tree was put up early. My mom while growing up always put our tree up the weekend following thanksgiving of every year.
  7. LOL so you think thats what it is all about? I would never do such a thing because i'm not an exhibitionist as they are and as uninhibited as they are, different upbringing and culture all together. On a side note, that might not be such a bad idea because i would get paid wether i was naked or not or home or not and trust me, this time of the year i'm hardly ever at home, but if you sign up for premium my animals would keep their motion detector system buzzing!! Leora like I said is a blessed girl with what she has but constantly walking around naked and half dressed all the time gets a little boring in my opinion, that's all i'm saying!
  8. She is hot, no doubt about it, but they are very fucking boring!!
  9. They are decent but could be better. I know, give them an inch and they want a mile! RLC will fold eventually from self degradation!!
  10. Look dude, there is no reason to call someone a F'n Bitch. All i was saying is the more threads that are created when there is already a thread out there that you could have posted to, is lazy/unobservant. The more threads created just makes everything slow down and CC is having some issues with this as i type this. Have a good day!
  11. You're right because even when she is there, she's not there!! What is she doing, playing on her phone?
  12. Well my hunch was wrong damnit lol. There was somebody ringing the doorbell around 09:55 am though. I'm going to bed now, nothing more to see but an empty downstairs LOL.
  13. If it happened then somebody got it and we will never see it because it didn't happen!
  14. Some people are just not very observant lol.
  15. I'm not saying there is an issue, she can do what she wants, it's her life. What I would have a problem with is, if I was spending my money and nobody being around most of the time! It's bad enough as it is, when they are there they are still not there lol. Technology has ruined us all!!!
  16. hmmmm good question, Lenka would be the dark haired one?
  17. I don't think a bitch slap would do him any good. He needs a good old fashioned pop knot upside his head lol.
  18. Thank you SC, that looks awesome with her frame!! I just wish I could have seen it when she actually did it!! Opportunities don't come along like that but once in a blue moon!
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