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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Yes sir, he is a prick selfish fucktard!! I could give two shits about him!
  2. If anybody happens to see White play with herself, I would love to see some pics! Just throwing that out there for you all LOL. It would be appreciated very much!!
  3. I've been thinking about subscribing to VV and was wondering if the girls ever play with themselves by themselves. I've seen a couple of times where it looked like one girl has done it a couple of times but thats about it. Is it worth the subscription?
  4. I couldn't tell you, they are of no interest to me personally
  5. Thanks for the pics, I always wanted to watch her play with herself when i was a paid member but she never would! With her tall frame and those long legs it must have been nice!!
  6. I like White, I think she is hot and from the pics i've seen she has very nice boobs!
  7. I'm sure it's not the first time she has seen his fat ass!
  8. Yes it would be nice and I hope it happens sooner rather than later!
  9. I totally agree, that tattoo fucked her looks up in my opinion.
  10. Thats why seatbelt's should be optional, they thin out the gene pool!!
  11. You are very right on all accounts bookmaster, I just had my blinders on and didn't see it at the time!! I hardly ever go to the free cams anymore and I will never pay for RLC anymore unless something drastic changes, but by their track record I don't see that happening!
  12. This is a quote from onehard1; lol the guest and lev have had sex in the apartment and zoya let them ,and the best i can tell the girl is lev cousin ,i was watching that night and lev and big tits went to the bedroom and stayed about an 1hr and zoya played music to cover up the moaning but i still could hear some moaning from the bedroom lol I'm going to have to call bullshit on this one because had this have ever happened there would have been allot of talk about it and maybe even a picture or two!
  13. I must admit that I was a big proponent of getting new girls for this apartment. Boy what a mistake that was and looking back I can't believe I even wished for such a thing. I hope everybody can forgive me for being so selfish!! This is the most boring apartment of them all now and it's sad because all of the girls are nice looking in my opinion but they are as boring as watching paint dry!!
  14. Their relationship doesn't seem the same for the past couple of weeks. I believe one of them has stepped out on the other. Just my opinion folks.
  15. I would have to go with the chicken and dumplings as my all time favorite with a big plate of homemade yeast rolls to go with it!! My mother in law makes the best of both!! Crappie is my favorite fresh fish though, that is some good eating there now!!
  16. You are right about the handmade tortillas for sure but we used store bought lol. Being a Texas man myself I've eaten allot of good tex-mex over the years lol.
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