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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Go back in your hole you slithering snake. You know as well as anybody that it's not a matter of being to steep or the bullshit extras!!
  2. They act like brother and sister more than he acts like he is gay, but I don't watch the apartment enough to give a good assessment lol.
  3. I know they talked in private because my buddy said that all 3 of them went into the hidden room upstairs for several minutes and when they came out White & Ilona pretty much went straight to sleep.
  4. There is allot that can be done about it but none of the perves have the balls to do it! They just accept whatever RLC does as gospel and go on about their lives like nothing RLC does is a problem!
  5. We used a mild cheddar cheese and lots of onions!! The mild cheddar (block cheese) has to be grated or they are not as good due to whatever the processor puts on the already grated cheese (i believe it's flour) you can buy. The enchilada sauce is key as well, we thickened it with chili before baking them in the oven. Making my mouth water all over again lol, and you're right, they are not the same with meat in them in my opinion.
  6. I'm experiencing terrible lag with CC as well and it has nothing to do with whether or not Sara is going to play with herself above the covers because from what you all have said, she's another under cover angel! I would be very surprised if you get any captures of her above the covers!!
  7. Nice captures Hope85! I especially love that subtle little ass grab White gave Sara on her right ass cheek!!!
  8. We had homemade enchiladas with all the trimmings from my late moms recipe book. You should have seen a bunch of germans making homemade enchiladas, it was a site to behold but it turned out damn good. We love you mom & dad!!!
  9. I would like to give thanks to all the CC members that I have learned so much from over the past several years!! Happy Thanksgiving!
  10. No sir, I think it's a prerequisite for this apartment to have a nice set of bat wings LOL
  11. No need, it's a free world, you are entitled to your opinion whether you pay or not! I don't pay anymore and never will again. RLC is the biggest, rudest, ripoff site on the internet!!
  12. One day I will be as smart as all the rest!!
  13. OK thank you SC, just wanted to know if he was OK or if somebody beat the shit out of him or something LOL
  14. Probably on some RLC yacht somewhere putting on a personal show for the RLC staff LMAO.
  15. Oh OK, she must be doing porn with all the time away LMAO LMAO LMAO. Just kidding, I don't want anybody taking what I said literal!!!
  16. White was gone for a few days? I thought it was Sara that was gone for a few days! At any rate, which one came back and is fixing to leave again?
  17. Even though I'm a fan of the lesbian, I was hoping they wouldn't come back!
  18. They must spend a tremendous amount of time upstairs because every time I go to the apartment it's MT!!
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