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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Was she on her laptop or cell phone? If she was on her cell how could you make anything out! I can understand it if she was on her laptop though.
  2. That was probably a "jealous fuck" session! Demid probably saw the pictures of that girl at Nelly's hitting all over Dasha and wanted to make sure he kept Dasha's mind where it needed to be LOL.
  3. Whatever, she should just stay away then in my opinion. Does she not have a Real life with Real life situations away from this apartment, it appears not! The guy she talks to on the phone is probably her brother LMAO.
  4. I'm not trying to argue with you but if you think for one second that what she is doing even resembles any kind of real life situation, you are sadly mistaken!!
  5. You must agree that some of it is scripted?
  6. I agree, the cost is not worth what you get by any stretch of the imagination!!
  7. RLC doesn't give a shit about their paying members that's for sure!!
  8. Rick, I have to respectfully disagree on this one. In my opinion what started out to be a semi real Real Life Cam situation, has become a situation of lets just let the guest do what ever they want which in my opinion it's changing the way how some of the tenants behave. Just to bare some semblance of the "RealLifeCam" name it needs to change before it gets totally out of hand!!
  9. Give it some time, have some patience, she has only been there a few days!!
  10. From what little i've seen of them they look and somewhat act like brother and sister.
  11. In my opinion Ilona exudes sexiness! She is good for RLC without a doubt! Welcome to RLC Ilona, I for one are happy you are here!!
  12. Once again I would like to sincerely thank all of the posters to this forum and thank SC for making a great come back!! Without you all, there would be no CC in my opinion!!!
  13. The sad thing is, is that you actually believe the stuff coming out of your head!!
  14. I didn't get to see any of it but I totally agree with you. RLC needs something to spark them up!!
  15. Just face it, they're a fucking joke!!
  16. I know they went out! I'm just trying to figure out what all the maintenance is for!!! It certainly ain't to improve their website!!!!
  17. Cams 1 & 2 keep freezing. Anyone else having this issue? Not sure about anything upstairs though.
  18. I hope you're not a member of RLC because they are pulling the curd right out of YO cheese!!
  19. I totally agree they would have known exactly what actions to take. I'm not disputing that, but what I am disputing is the need to change the rules of engagement that our military has to follow. Our military has their hands so tied they can't do anything! You are also correct that I have had no former military training as i was never in any of the armed services so i'm not going to profess to be an expert on the subject matter as you have. I will also say that with my own training I know how to defend myself and my family if the need arises! I will also say, if I would have been in their situation those sheep herders would have been tied to a tree and gagged and i would have dealt with the punishment when i got back! Because at least I would have been alive to deal with it!!!!
  20. They haven't met their week long outage yet, I'm sure they will be down for maintenance for an extended period of time to not fix a fucking thing!!
  21. That's some funny shit right there, I don't care who you are!!!
  22. I think she's trying out to become a member of the Zulu tribe!
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