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Everything posted by clivebb

  1. and you can include tula soon,for me there is just anna/alex are good for watching actually,tha't's not work for 40 $,me too i wait new peoples everywhere for renew
  2. clivebb

    Sofia - Split 1

    guest expected tonight in sofia,i have my idea,it's maybe endy,we will see
  3. and not only in voro,tver need to be refreshed too and one new couple in tula too,vv have alot of work to do for vv for be again attractive,they are in bad period actually,many people are not happy with vv in this moment and i understand why
  4. lisa and nick names is add now but endy name is removed,i'm sad,i liked the body of this girl
  5. it's like when the new tenants have signed the contract,they change the comportment and start hidding or stop sex,they doing hot stuff the first days or weeks and after nothing only teasing,there is just sofia is in the project,the rest are freeloaders now here in rlc mode.i wait the result of this big casting soon for see what vv gonna do.
  6. well just received the answer from the rlc support for my problem,read that shit: Hello,Thank you for contacting us.As you can read, daily playback is limited for members without active subscription.We can only recommend you to Join us again.Thank you. looooooooooooooooooool,what a fucking joke this support seriously and rlc in generaly,this is the help rlc propose me,grab your credit card again ! bullshittttt, no way i will join this site again with this style of answer and this service,no wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, i delete this site of my favorite list immediatly,you can be sure now i'm gonna do more bad publicity for this site now
  7. in france,i just tried today again some minutes ago,the free cams have play like 2 mn and stopped after and now impossible restart the free cams,i try again and again but impossible see something with the free cams,always the same message on my screen"thanks for watching......join us",if i close rlc and i restart the site that's change nothing,always this message and the free cams don't start,i need waiting an hour or more for a little more minutes of free cams it's very curious,never had this problem before only now since yesterday and it's continue today,don't know what doing now exept waiting rlc fixe this problem if there is a problem,i have send message to rlc support some minutes ago,i wait the answer
  8. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    it was maybe the first time she tried to suck that dick she was probably shy,i will see that later in the archive for my next suscription,thanks for have recording
  9. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    thanks for the pics spielo,i can see on one of your pics she suck finaly that dick,it's first time i see her doing that on camera
  10. do you have again this problem? me yes,something have change today with that free cams and the time limit
  11. i have tried what you said,i have tried the incognito mode with chrome and always the same problem, after some minutes the free cams stop i try reload the cam or refresh but nothing,the free cams don't want start again, don't know what the fuck rlc have doing with this free cams but the view with that is very limited now per day
  12. apparently it's back to normal now,the free cams work like usual,rlc have many technical problem in this moment and rlc give nothing informations about that like always,end of the episode
  13. we have already doing this vote some months ago noldus and yes there is alot of old ass here
  14. you welcome,yes try and you will make your opinion but vv actually is not super interesting,if you want my opinion wait a little before suscribe.
  15. i don't know what is that (VPN) i'm not expert with the informatic,i'm just a basic user of the web,you know it's the choice of rlc with this new politic with the free cams,i do my choice too,bye rlc and welcome vv, i'm not gonna waste more my time with this fucking rlc site
  16. i have just tried to clean my cookies and tried with different id number and always the same scenario,i have 2 mn with free cams and that's cut after with the message: "thanks you for watching reallifecam,daily playback is limited for non-autorized members,if you like our project join us as a member on the join page", i try to refresh the page but i have always this message on my screen,for me it's the new politic of rlc with the free cams now,the free users are limited with some minutes per day now
  17. don't know what to say but this is what i have now and apparently i'm not alone to have that now with the free cams
  18. well i have tested again and yes i can confirm we have now 2 mn of free cams like every around 30 mn,this is the new plan with the free cams for the free users
  19. i have always doing that,refresh the page every 15 mn but now it's not working today,i have like 2 mn of free cams every 30 mn,i have tried on firefox too but same shit,it's new shit feature rlc have instaured today
  20. big casting is a big word i think,i don't see many vacant places for new couples exept one in tula soon when lisa/nick will move in voro, it's like when vv said big party tonight and finaly it's just a dinner
  21. vv have advantage but incommode too after it's depend what you want see, *the advantage: archive videos,you press the rec button every 5 minutes,this is the members make this archive,it's like a mutual aid between the members,it's very confortable when you have not the possibility to be connect all the time,you have just to check the archive for see what the members have recorded today. a large part of the tenants are here for entertainment the members with regular party or sexy or sexual games,many times they not hiding the sex. *incommode: cameras and sound quality are just correct,it's not the same quality of rlc,i hope they can buy better cameras later,it's young site,they can just progress. personaly i'm satisfied with my last membership,after there is down period like actually,just need choose the good moment for try a suscription. for me vv is a mix of sex site and reallife. i think RLC doing a biggest error for limited the free cams now with some minutes per day,i think many guys will leave rlc now and not only the free users
  22. yes,i confirm,it's the end of free cams,we are limited by around 10-15 minutes per day now ! i was regular member with rlc during this last three years and this is the respect rlc have now with their member !!!! we had ID,recently the permanent watermark on screen and now the free users are limited with 15 minutes per day,i give one year for rlc now before close the door,good bye rlc for me i go in vv now
  23. when a customer is not satisfied by a product or something he have buyed,he stop buying this product and go try another one,this is what i do now. for vanessa/thomas it's just another couple have understand the business of this site,take the free appartment and the money every month but hiding the sex or doing nothing on cams but outside,these tenants do not care if there is guys pay for see them,the important for them is just take the money ! it's just the fault of rlc to present again and again this all bad casting,i don't know when the tenants accept to join rlc they know there is cameras ! if they are not ok with the cameras for doing reallife (include sex),they have to leave and return in mother's house.
  24. the guest blond have not missed to put her bra on before start the massage for endy, we will see nothing interesting with her and the black bikini is already on for the jaccuzzi just after
  25. for the moment yes,we will see after the massage
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