how much time kamila can stay on this fucking cell phone,she have not moving her ass of the journey on this bed and this cell phone,
she is beautiful ok but what a fucking lazi ass she have seriously,yesterday she have started doing exercice gym and after 2 mn she was tired and return on this phone for hours and hours again and again,she make me tired with that
oui,c'est dommage que thomas soit bloquer par les cameras comme çà sinon je pense que vanessa lacherais les chevaux et se serait super hot,
j'espere que thomas va pas nous faire une demid égu mais pour le moment çà en prend le chemin
les guests qu'on a vu dormir ici sont plus mature ce qui peut expliquer leur decontraction rapide avec les cameras
the answer is very simple : the cameras ! it's the fault of thomas,he want hide everything,same style of demid,
another couple have not understand the concept,do reallife,
i give them more months but if in 6 months they continue doing sex under the blanket,i stop here with this couple
we can see directly the difference between this all young girls of 20 years old on rlc and this mature couple,they are very relax and not shy for their first time here,i like that
a little cut dog sleeping on bed of vanessa/thomas,i don't know if it's their dog or not,nobody in appartment for now exept this dog.
edit: it's not their dog,the is mature guest couple here now in guest room around 35-40 years old maybe the parents i don't know
voyeur-villa is totally different of realifecam,it's not the same concept,
in voyeur-villa the tenants are here for entertainment the members with sexual activity,
with rlc the tenants are here just for live their life,they are not here for doing sex for entertainement the members,
when i want see action i go in vv,when i want smoke and drink a coffee i go in rlc
yes,not sure alex will return here,the two new guys look good for the first impression,i just hope they are good fucker ,
after pay 40 $ for one interesting appartment,i'm not in the mood for pay that,i wait more content for this price
bon début mais finalement encore tout sous la couette çà devient chiant,c'est lui qui veut tout cacher,il est comme demid,
ce couple sera interessant dans 6 mois ou 1 an le temps qu'ils oublient les cameras un peu comme suzan/hector enfin je l'espere
j'en connais un qui va se faire bannir par rlc très bientôt ! y-a la totale sur cette photo (id+watermark)
i know someone will be banned by rlc very soon ! there is all on this photo (id+watermark)
ok,good news,i'm not sure if some members had not contacted rlc support for signaled the situation,the blonde come today for take the cat,
well the cat is safe now but i don't change my opinion with this couple,they are just super weird and immature,my opinion
ok,it's a sad experience,she was more relax and happy this afternoon,now we have to wait a new couple but in how many time?
i'm sad for anna too,personaly i have never see her nazi tatoo because i'm not pay members and this polemic not interest me,now she's gone
left this morning,are you sure? i have watching this afternoon a little around 4 pm local time and they was here on the couch
but actually at 2 am there is nobody in voro
certes les guests chez kami sont jolies aussi mais j'ai une forte attirance avec yulia,je sais pas pourquoi,c'est vraiment le style de fille que j'aime après chacun c'est préférence,pour te dire je regarde même pas irma car j'aime pas du tout malgré qu'elle a des gros seins