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Everything posted by clivebb

  1. i confirm Vin is very weird,he is the reason for why i have praticaly stopped watching voro,i really don't like him
  2. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    when sonia/ivo have broadcast sometime on bongacams in the old appartment in tver,i have talking a little with ivo and he have answer me there was located in moscow. and sure the all residents have more than 18 years old,this polemic is ridiculous
  3. that's happened before with the appartment of diana/efim,that was the first night the appartment was online, big party with many guests and sex in bathroom with the guests at the end,we have never see again this all guests after this epic party ! this party this night here is very similar
  4. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    yes,i think too,petra have around 30-35 years old i think,not 22
  5. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    you can do around x2 for my age,i like watching fresh and nice body like this one of gerda,that's why i prefer watch young girls, i'm on vv just for watching sex,the rest not really interest me
  6. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    it's sure i prefer watch young people between 20-30 years old but i'm most old than petra and the all tenants on vv
  7. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    petra is a good personn but when you have see 1000 times the same scenario sex with her,it's not interesting,it's long time petra is here. i just want see new people like gerda/kent for keep the attractivity on vv
  8. kami is beautiful ok but for me she's the most immature, boring and lazy girl on rlc,she's interesting just by her cell-phone
  9. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    gerda/kent are in fire mode this night,that will be hot soon ,i just hope the light will stay on in bedroom for see good the action
  10. nice start nice start it's a big name,for one time i'm not agree with you,you have missed the first 3 days,exept guys life we have see nothing interesting here, let's see next week what's happen,i predict the same life: guys around here all the journey when the girl work and when she back eating,shower and maybe sleeping in guest room again with only one camera and too far. for the moment this appartment not convinced me,the living room don't look very nice and old,the rest is ok exept this cam 10 in bedroom is too far too. the question is this all guests are they real friends or actors paid by rlc for we pay attention for this appartment and get suscribers ! i remember very good the first party when diana/efim appartment was just online with many guests coming(red dress girl ) and we have never see after this all guests in the appartment...that was big mistery for me
  11. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    yes it's the next step in tver,kick out petra and grandpa for put here katya/ruslan
  12. yes,i was talking about rita when i said she was a parasite here not irma,look now ilona have more energy and super happy with the new girl,the problem was rita in this appartment
  13. ilona look happy with the new girl and the departure of rita,she was a parasite on this appartment,now let's enjoy with the 3 girls and have some fun together. rita can sleep on balcony for this night and left tomorrow,bye
  14. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    kent and gerda name are listed in replacment in bedrrom of jacky in tver,good news. jacky,nelly and david can continue live on mars in sofia the all uninteresting tenants on vv are in the same place now,good
  15. for the moment we don't know if it's just a guest will stay here just for the week-end or it's really the new girl in replacment of rita,it's not clear,she have no name,i think it's just a guest
  16. clivebb

    Tula - Split 1

    i don't think nelly/david have broke up personaly,he will return in sofia soon i think
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