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Everything posted by clivebb

  1. if you start quote your posts and talking alone with yourself,you have a serious problem, and what time it was when she have eating the apple 18:26 maybe or 27 ! and what time it was when she have put the banana in the garbage 18:32 ! seriously take a break with this appartment,you turn really crazy with kk,i don't want read anymore your posts, +1 in my ignore list
  2. 100 % agree with that,it's probably for that she prefer go sleeping in guest bedroom for be more relax and not be disturb during the night when the guys gonna go sleeping very late
  3. the girl stesha sleeping alone in guest bedroom and the two boys continue their happy life,sauna,bathroom,couch,kitchen..... they will probably sleeping together soon the life is good on rlc
  4. @thestarrider: you know it's not necessery quote my post,you waste your time for nothing,i can't read all your bullshit comments,it's some weeks now you are in my ignore list,same for euromike,bye
  5. clivebb

    Sofia - Split 1

    i prefer go watching rafael nadal in carina/sabrina appartment for tonight than jacky in sofia if it's her the guest
  6. clivebb

    Sofia - Split 1

    it's possible but this girl not interest me
  7. clivebb

    Sofia - Split 1

    david have kidnapped jane,she's the guest for tonight,nelly will be very happy of that ,lol
  8. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    the guy have left the other night during the party,jane have sleeping here and gone now,i don't think we will see again lucky but why not jane later for another chance with new guy
  9. clivebb

    Sofia - Split 1

    but i don't know what nelly/david can do with only one guest for tonight, we know nelly/david want do nothing with other people exept teasing and keep the panty, if this guest come here just for eating and take one shower,it's not really interesting;i wait nothing about this guest visit tonight in sofia
  10. clivebb

    Tula - Split 1

    yes but there is only one bedroom in this appartment,he is not made for have two couples here, sleeping all the time on the couch it's not a life
  11. clivebb

    Tula - Split 1

    finaly the best sex session is the morning because we can be sure it's in color with better light and cameras quality, amazing session again this morning and on bonus the shower of jane,great tits. i repeat again but have an archive videos like that is so confortable,it's one important reason for why i prefer vv now,not necessery to live to the same rythm of the tenants for be sure missed nothing,now i have more time for my personal life
  12. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    david sleeping on the couch in voro
  13. yes,i know,i from france,i use that too but only when i go in swinger club , the nordic countries in europe use alot the sauna specialy the finland
  14. just checking the video in archive of this sex session with tatoo guy just happened and for not change that's during 5 mn max and it's over,this guy is a bad fucker, more short is it and more it's better for him
  15. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    this is what i like on vv,bad or good there is always action and something to see
  16. me too,we need many guys complain about him if we want have a chance vv kick him out of here, the guy make me very nervous with his comportment, i watch only color sex
  17. tatoo guy and blondy on bed and the first think he doing it's off the light again before start sex !!! bullshit
  18. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    she's sequester here by the big boss of vv,she have not the permission to leave sofia for now until i have not see good her pussy,lol
  19. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    jane don't know what doing,they are all on couples and the guy have left, the is just the david possibility for her,i hope nelly not watching,she's very jealous she will destroy the sofia appartment
  20. it's 100 % sure,what do you think kami/bf doing when kami not sleeping here some nights,playing video games ! and same for kristy
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