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Everything posted by Freddie57

  1. Trump is the first U.S. President to be impeached twice, and on an equally satisfying note, he has officially been impeached more times than he has been elected.
  2. If he's charged with first degree intentional homicide then how in the fuck is he still allowed to walk the streets with a rifle in his hand. Time to revoke his $2,000,000 Bond and get him off the street before he does something he might regret.
  3. Depends on how many of the GOP want to break away from Trump. If they knew Trump wasn't coming back there would be no need to remain loyal to him, more would break away. The thing is the GOP are scared of him.
  4. There is a way to get Trump out of Politics for good. Fourteenth Amendment Section 3 No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
  5. Trump is soon to take over the lead. After January 20th the GOP will slowly pull away from Donald Trump and finally tell him to go fuck himself. The GOP have been slowly pulling away now as they have overridden Trump's Veto's. Even Mike Pence has strayed away from Trump in the past week. When they count Electoral Votes January 6th Mike Pence will call the Votes just as they were certified December 14th. Gohmert's Lawsuit against Pence does not stand a chance of achieving flight let alone overturn the Electoral Vote by not counting the Swing States.
  6. That's a bunch of hogwash. You still believe everything that comes form that prick Donald Trumps mouth. He's nothing but a conspiracy theorist that has aligned himself with some of the worst bad apples of the world.
  7. How can one cheat in this apartment. Everyone's in on it. Ring Around the Maypole.
  8. Another Threat Big Bad Don never lived up to. The man just can't stop telling lies. Deported
  9. You actually think the meat in a McDonalds Hamburg, Wendy's, Burger King and so on through the fast food chains are 100% beef, they're not. 60% Beef and 40% of Filler. You want an all Beef Burger you basically go to the Grocer and buy it and make your own if you want close to 100%
  10. Boris Johnson had it and he made it through but then Boris is not 74 Years Old either he's only 56. Trump is in the high risk category. All those greasy hamburgers over the years sure does not build any immunity it only builds up plaque in the arteries which narrow and harden up over time.
  11. I wonder if the Orange Mussolini will follow up on some of the things he bragged about earlier in August. For a man that downplayed the COVID19 thing since the beginning has contacted COVID19. Karma has come and bit him.
  12. Something Compelling. Which hand won the Left or the Right.
  13. I see what it is now.. That's where something has been uploaded as an Attachment and is only Viewable with a Premium Membership. I would have never known it was there unless I am on with a Regular Account like I am now. I only use this if someone reports something unusual that should not be there then I have to check it out as I can't see those things with my other Account.
  14. A lot of people download stuff and just keep clicking next until it's set up only to find 10 other things have been added to the programs that they don't what to do once they notice all the garbage on their machine. When downloading they have a preferred setting and a custom setting. By selecting the Custom Setting allows you to remove the check mark from the boxes so that product doesn't get installed. There is the odd product that will install features whether you remove the checkmark from the box or not. It still installs. Worst I have seen for that is products from Whitesmoke Toolbar. You get the Toolbar and a lot of unwanted crap that goes along with it because they don't have a custom installer that lets you choose what you want installed.
  15. Those comment sections are quite enjoyable to read most times. The parts that make me laugh are the ones that don't read the instructions on how the product works. They always have questions later on or they'll get right down saying the download is no good but 100 other comments are saying Thanks for the Upload.
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