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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. I use Firefox because it is more user friendly and has better add ons. I have W10 and I am running Flash with no problems. A good add-on too run is Ghostery.
  2. If you look at the earlier chat Yury tanslated their conversation.
  3. Most IP providers and Google will using HTML5 in the near future. I have an Android phone and pad and have down loaded a earlier version before Adobe withdrew all Flash for Android based appllications... Barstewards.

    1. Noldus


      ok, thanks for the info :-)

  4. I cannot see the reason why people want to post to outside web sites unless it is for monetary gain. COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT EXISTS. Conspiracy theory... could it be Paul as he spends a lot of time on the Laptop.
  5. Could be her.. is this a German dating site.
  6. Leaving party for Blue perhaps... I see the pussy cat knapkins. Two bearded (gay perhaps) guys helping out at party.
  7. Poor Leora bless you.. like you my mother died some 16 years ago... but unlke you I was an adult and could take more of the emotions with the parting of a beloved... but you never forget your mother .
  8. Our meaning of Taboo - 1. Taboo means forbidden she does not flash or show her flesh 2. Boo (part of taboo word) is for us as we are frustrated with her non showing.
  9. Very nice, I will be her partner....
  10. Undercover session now blow and fuck! not so under cover Stephan may last all of 20 minutes max. Go Maya... Slowly Stephan what have I taught you boy...
  11. Gitano86 good job but were did you get these pics from... Taboo she is beautiful... I am in love.
  12. 29/06/1 @ 1.23 GMT - I see Blue was rubbing some cream into her vag hidden by the handbag on the table.. has got thrush or a STI caught off her male friend I wonder.
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