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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Yury and Kitek seem to have no problem accessing both sites, but perhaps they use a proxy
  2. I would ignore bonnie and Harley Noldus, they are both quite old and it seems their minds have gone, bless them
  3. I'm certainly not putting her down Snaky, she's my fav girl! But a lift for cosmetic reasons is absolutely a common thing, as well as enlargements and reductions. Either way, it's not going to happen whilst she's in the apt so it doesn't really affect us
  4. Yeah I had noticed! If it's for medical / comfort reasons then I can fully understand that she might want to have them adjusted, however you've seen how she's always checking herself out in the mirrors, I adore the girl but she's definitely vain, and it's not impossible that she just wants them done for cosmetic reasons
  5. It really does look like she's had surgery to tidy it up down there - we already know she likes a bit of cosmetic work done as she had her ears pinned, is it possible during the time between Barca and Moscow she had a labiaplasty?
  6. Pretty sure he was making a joke I thought that might be what she wanted because of the way she holds them up when she looks in the mirror sometimes, but she's too young for that kind of surgery! Girls be crazy
  7. Thanks Yury! But why would Irma want to change them? They are perfect!
  8. Yes most of us know this from the first time she was here, however I believe it is not permitted to post that information here - I may be wrong and the rules have changed. Either way the photos are quite old and it seems to just be those two sets
  9. I don't think anybody here knows what those tattoos say. The only one we know is on her hip, it says 'Jazz' and the J is a saxophone. The one on her right arm seems to be something in latin, Nil Desperaxxxxxx (I cannot make it all out)
  10. Irma. Always and forever.
  11. Did anyone notice that one of the girls kept calling Kristy by her real name last night, I don't think Kristy corrected her
  12. If you're interested, Irma was talking to a guy called Paul who seems to work for some sort of casting agency, they were discussing bringing on board some girl, but the girl wanted more information. Irma really wanted to get off the phone and oil herself up and the guy just wouldn't shut up, Irma was looking at the cameras and smiling as if to say "What can I do to get rid of this guy!" It was pretty funny
  13. Like 99% of users on here, I appreciate Kiteks's valuable translations, but he has no obligation to post them. I imagine transcribing all that information is time-consuming and he has a life to lead like all of us! Yury also started posting less, but I think that is because he does not have an RLC subscription and was relying on users to post pictures and videos - with RLC banning people left right and centre that doesn't happen any more, and with the constant stream of complaining and arguing this forum is a less pleasant place to just hang out these days It's also entirely possible that K&K just haven't said anything interesting in a while
  14. She obviously knows what the act is, that much is made clear in the translation, but she probably does not know what that informal English slang for oral sex means. Do you know what "blowjob" is in Russian? So why would you expect vice versa? Nobody is being played for a fool here, you're just looking for excuses to say that when you misinterpreted the translation
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