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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Fucking hell is this conversation really needed again The only reasons some people on this forum are so DESPERATE for the girls to be prostitutes is because; They are old, out of touch and cannot fathom the idea of independent female sexuality They are so jealous at the idea of other men having sex with these girls that they choose to denigrate the act in their own mind by turning it into a transaction The racist spectre of Russian mail-order brides - "Eastern European girls being flown into Western Europe - they must be sex workers!" Sexual frustration - "Why won't the girls put on a lesbian show for me, they're bitches, cunts, whores!" They are just straight up trolls Is it impossible that some of the girls we have seen have worked as escorts? No of course it's not impossible. But every girl? And on every excursion out of the apartment? Don't be silly. Some of you try to qualify your arguments with "But it's legal in Spain!" It's irrelevant, whenever the term is used on this website it's invariably used an an insult And why does it bother so many people on here anyway? A reasonable discussion about it is fine, but you have bottom-of-the-barrel members like lucasfrench for whom every post is about the same subject. It's boring, it adds nothing to the discussion and it starts arguments. It also shows a lack of intelligence, that this is the extent of their conversational skills.
  2. If I remember correctly, that night when Megan was drunk was the night when we got the best ever views of her kitty in the night God she was so hot
  3. Are you sure? But everyone was saying they were going to party on a yacht, late into the night, with their customers.... It's almost like most people on here don't know what they're talking about!
  4. She's still on her period, has a pad in her panties. Hopefully she'll lose them once her time of the month is over
  5. Looking at Belle now, I think she's genuinely unhappy here. I don't think she's taking the piss, or winding up BB. She seems to really not want to be here. In that case, rather than insulting her, I feel sorry for her and I think it might be time for her to leave. Alternatively, with any luck whatever is bothering her will pass and she can get back to normal
  6. There does seem to be a genuine friendship developing between Rose and Angel. Nice to see Lol what's this now
  7. A lot of jumping to conclusions tonight! Next people will be suggesting that 'He who shall not be named' is coming' (He isn't )
  8. A Lot of old farts in this thread! Luckily no matter how old you are we all like looking at beautiful people
  9. Upon entry to a club you get a wristband. It is just to show security you have paid and can enter and exit the club easily (for cigarettes etc.) If a club has a VIP area you may have a different wristband. It is common the world over.
  10. That venue is hardly a 'big party,' it's just a nightclub he has residency in. You don't even need to be guestlist to get in there, and RLC girls have been going to that club for as long as the apartments have been open
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