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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Don't be worried, she's a big girl Seriously mate she's a young, beautiful model hanging out with DJs. DRUGS? Surely not! Getting fucked up with your mates and with new friends is a part of being young. No point worrying about her, she'll be fine one way or another
  2. She's young, she's free to make her own mistakes, learn from them and become a more mature person. Same for all of us! As long as she is happy (I cannot say whether she is not whether she isn't) then it's all a learning experience. Live and let live
  3. Possibly because she has a hangover and is hurting? These girls handle hangovers better than I do. A big night out and the next day is an absolute write-off for me. Pizza and TV and water
  4. I am sure BB would not mind if Belle was a little smelly for him And for me I would not mind if Irma never washed again Nonetheless it is different in a club
  5. I like a girl who doesn't only eat rabbit food Always enjoyed Irma eating honey straight out the jar
  6. Not with all the complaining about her there has been recently. Not exactly complimentary reading for the girls!
  7. I've already cancelled, I have until the 20th, but that was before I realised Rosie was the new girl coming in. Honestly I might renew just for her, she's the only girl I'm interested in watching at the minute. Since Irma left I have spent barely any time on RLC, instead I've been working on my fitness a lot more so I haven't had much dead time to fill (today is a rest day ) The reason I don't complain about the quietness of the apartments is because I don't really miss the £35 a month or whatever it is, and I just like being able to check in on the girls from time to time. I'm trying to make RLC less of a part of my daily routine. Of course this will all go out the window when Irma returns so I have a minimum of 3 months to make the most of my free time
  8. I like both Belle and Rosie a lot, yes I know they're not delivering what the viewers want to see but at the moment I'm just enjoying watching a naked girl get ready for her day
  9. OK thanks Well if that guy who asked is still interested, the Twins are Russian, Gina is Polish and Stella is half Ukranian, half Angolan. Kylie is probably Ukrainian but that's just a guess
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