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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Not when she is drunk, it's true. Belle said something to offend Stella and they argued. But sober they seem friendly (and we remember they have been very intimate together on the past )
  2. I Guess because, as we know, they are real friends and therefore see each other outside of RLC often. This is just a continuation of their normal friendship but in a new environment
  3. The girls will have a fun night, Irma will bust out some moves, nothing too crazy happens. Irma has a nice evening and goes to bed happy ❤️ She's checking her passport ???
  4. I Love big eyebrows on a girl, but only if they're natural (not drawn on) Cara Delevingne, all day every day
  5. Not sure about Belle's makeup today, went a bit overboard on the eyebrows. She looks fine without makeup anyway Much like my beloved Irma ❤️
  6. I Get that she doesn't really want to be involved in silly games with the other girls, but she could at least make an effort to get to know them a bit more
  7. Perhaps they should be locked inside all day. Better yet chained to their beds? Irma has given fantastic value for money during her time here.
  8. Mr Box, here's why you're wrong You take girls from Russia, Poland and Ukraine. You fly them from their home towns and put them in a Barcelona apartment full of cameras for 30-90 days. You tell them they get paid bonuses for nudity, masturbation and sexy shows. There is nothing natural about this situation whatsoever, but still you want them to somehow 'be natural.' This IS a job for the girls - saying otherwise is deluded. The couple's apartments are different because they don't get paid - they just have a free place to live. These girls are here for a short time, they want to make some money and then they go back to their 'real' lives. What you want does not exist. You cannot have the above situation and have people behave naturally. It will NEVER change so for christ's sake get over yourself. The Barca apartments are NOT part of the 'idea of the project.' They are entirely different, and clearly what they offer is not to your taste, so you will be much happier if you go elsewhere (and lord knows we'd all be much happier if you went elsewhere too.) Still, I'm sure we all look forward to reading the same comments from you over and over and over and over and over again for the next 12 months
  9. That's probably the other twin then. Twin 1 has had a boyfriend for a long time and they speak the same language
  10. At least one of the twins has a boyfriend. They're not trying to 'seduce' anyone, they're trying to earn their money by being on some weird website and they're doing a fine job of it
  11. There is a guy on another site who was convinced that in the laundry room there was a secret control room which was full of RLC staff and also a secret entrance and exit from the building. He was absolutely adamant
  12. Not fake...just an asshole And to accuse Irma of being fake shows that you are are also extremely ignorant, and a poor judge of character Luckily, I can guarantee you that this will not be Irma's last visit to RLC Hurry back now Irma
  13. Yeah I know, just making a point that some of the views being expressed in this thread are not agreed upon by everyone (in fact the majority)
  14. Irma, thanks for everything you have done, this visit of yours has been the most enjoyable yet. You are a superstar and I am already looking forward to your next visit!
  15. Yes, she can have that effect on people! Goodnight eremes, goodnight everyone, and goodnight my sweet Irma ❤️❤️❤️
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