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Everything posted by fornika

  1. Its a free world we living in. You can be who or whatever you want to be. but acceptance is gona take time. women didn't just get up one day and start voting you know. Too many labels out there for now(hard to keep track of). The fight for equality is real. But can be overcome.
  2. if you dont believe in masculinity or femininity.. that's must your point of view. once you can equate progesterone and testosterones to be same thing .then that will make your opinion factual. but for now lets agree that jules has terrible body hair..lol
  3. i Imagination? doesn't even make any sense. Human beings have hair naturally. from the moment they hit puberty. more so for men than women(fact) For you to say hair is an imagination is totally absurd. It's the media and society that want to portray hair as being nasty as being primitive because they remind us of the Australopithecus. Shaving is just a very recent thing.just look at old porn.
  4. Dean is sly fuck...he wanted to heather... didn't want that heathers guy to fuck candy.. his body language gave her the cue to get the heck out of that tub
  5. one person shouldn't have such a fine ass..damn you Kiki.
  6. This guy is going to yank off his cock by the of the day...
  7. really? when? just saw a horny guy who could barely keep a hard on.
  8. cab ride! why not? just saying there's endless possibilities. but for sake of sanity, i will take you guys theory and leave at that.
  9. Where is this hooker theory coming from? cant a young man like him have a few friends around that are just waiting to fuck him? (given they are abt same age) did anybody see him pay her?
  10. if she's there, .especially for this long he has 75% chances of getting her back
  11. She got fucked hard in the ass on new years in the lounge. i pity the young girl sometimes (think she can do better) but what the heck..shes the reason i watch this apartment , so fuck!
  12. somebody must have told this herman fellow he's sexy. walking around the apt naked like that lol
  13. Pornography, representation of sexual behaviour in books, pictures, statues, motion pictures, and other media that is intended to cause sexual excitement. So unless you mean something else, "voyeur and "porn is all PORN. hard to see anybody that likes all appts. pick and choose ones that suite your needs and suck it up. point is you cant satisfy all the people all the time. people have different fetishes,
  14. She had been playing hard to for a while now. but tonight red ganged up with herman and got blondie all worked while they were in bed, then Herman fucked her.
  15. the guy got his dick out after the loud noise from the living room(even i heard it and switched views). wore his underwear and went to check what was going.. fight happened after..
  16. and trixie was getting a good fuck before all this unfolded
  17. she doesn't even go out to see what's happening..
  18. i love cheerful givers anyways .makes for better drama
  19. Molly brought this guy in, introduced kate to a 3some . Guy fucked Kate and loved it. Started wooing her , she resited abit but apparently he is succeding ,especially after last nights performance. (kate is a bf snatcher). but Molly does not seem to care. so all good, i guess
  20. Just like Most adult entertainers lifespan is usually 3-6 months. porn world is a tough job.
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