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Everything posted by fisherman

  1. Anybody tell me what Mila has done to her head seems to have cut on forehead
  2. What are we thanking her for when she wasn’t pissed or drugged up she was sleeping good riddance
  3. There is big and there is large but she is fucking huge
  4. It might help if Mila opened her eyes more she’s always bloody asleep
  5. Don’t think she will ever leave the green grocery people won’t let her. 🍅🥦🍆🥒
  6. I wish motormouth would go back to her own apartment
  7. She might have more class but I bet he has more money
  8. I live in uk and have found girls talk about 3 things sex, fashion, alcohol.
  9. I for one don't have a clue about this new format and am to old to change so won't be renewing my subscription and judging by the poll result so far I am not alone As the old saying goes 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'
  10. i've been away so not up to date what's up with Malia's legs
  11. I take it the 3 moderators and 1 forum administrator work for RLC and Voyeur House if not who died and put them in charge
  12. i'm glad to hear that but until then my money stays in my pocket
  13. Don't know about you but I miss Hakeem he bought us more new girls in a month than RLC did in 3 months
  14. don't know who lover boy is but he is not doing her any good she is beginning to look tired for tired read rough as guts and miserable to boot definitely time to go for go read retire. and before I get a load of abuse save your time because I don't give a toss
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