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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. She just keeps extending her boundaries. Every few months another threshold is crossed. We can only anticipate the next breakthrough, which may well be what many on here have been craving for and which the good lady herself seems very close to pursuing in earnest.
  2. And how many grams can you lose by 'bating in the bath?......these are weighty matters.
  3. Obviously it was simply the day she decided to do it in the bathtub. I thought she was going to do that the other da,y but after a fair while in there she got out and then did everything in the GR afterwards. This time not so lucky I expect unless it's a double dose we're being offered later.
  4. She coped admirably well then and it didn't really curtail much, from what I saw. And yet it was mentioned on here that it was due to happen around the Tuesday.....hmmmm
  5. While it appeared to be three sessions I got the distinct impression that she couldn't quite get there and try as she might she fell short of her total satisfaction so after a short wash and calm down she started again, hoping to generate the right mood and get in the zone once more. It's not that often that she locks the dog in the GR when active in the LR. More usually she locks the dog out of the GR while active in there. I hope she got full satisfaction today. I had the sound up full and could hear the dog and the TV, but I never heard her moan at orgasm or anything, in either room. I did hear her singing later, but it was indistinct. In any event I hope she got there as it looked for ages that like every mental idea or new position failed to satisfy her completely. Also I though Flo was expected to put in an appearance last week, but it seemed to me that every day included some action of one kind or another, especially with Paul. Maybe I missed the interruption or maybe the visit has been delayed.
  6. Thanks once again Hope for coming to the party with the gifs if there's no video around. One of the best. Carpet's doing its job well.
  7. So it wasn't my computer after all. I assumed it was as I've been losing the connections a lot lately. She was almost there, too. As good as finished. But not quite. That's a real bummer, then.
  8. Yes it was early and for a minute I thought it might get under my guard, but glad it didn't. Usually an hour later at least.
  9. Yes, Howard, that was one of the best and it was good to see it live. Also your copy will make for happy viewing more than one more time.
  10. Splendid video of the 69 session. Haven't seen better in a long while.
  11. Must say Nelly and Bogdan seem blissfully happy together having watched them finish one session on the couch minutes ago and now lying languorously together looking intent on going for a reprise in a matter of time. They must feel extra energised as their visitor left and it seemed as if the cat was there for the whole thing. Even made off with some of the underwear when they'd finished similar to what happens in Leora and Paul's bedroom with their dog. The cat was sniffing around and then decided to make off with the unmentionables. I think they both got a laugh out of that. They are certainly in their honeymoon period but I doubt that will end any time soon. Haven't seen a better suited couple anywhere else and apparently identical libidos. Very happy viewing and worth catching live.
  12. A stirring sight indeed! Shaken, as well as stirred.......a very tasty fry-up indeed for those of us able to see if not exactly taste!
  13. That appeared to be the best, most open and well-lit 69 we have ever seen from those two in the GR, but I can only judge that from the photo as zippyshare was gone far too soon this time. Please, please, please, could you Olgasvi put this up again for those of us who wake at the wrong hour to catch it before it disappears!!
  14. The way she was looking through her bag in the GR later suggested that perhaps some of her money might have walked.....she didn't look happy with the contents of either the drawer OR the handbag...or is it my fertile imagination?....
  15. But over very quickly. You had that right. Her pleasuring him. I suspect she was only fleetingly satisfied, if at all. More a matter of duty or loving giving of attention, than outright pleasure seeking of her own. Soon into the bathroom to clean up. No long, epic foreplay or lasting entanglement. Oh well. We're used to it by now. It's their life.
  16. Enjoyable conversations recently. Had tired of the sickly sycophantic diatribes, but much to like about the latest posts as we await action on the main stage, or stages. Strong Flo may be a deterrent but I'm sure we'll soon see what we're patiently waiting for before too long
  17. This once-loving relationship is slowly, but surely, dying away...by all accounts, from what we can see here..
  18. One thing with these girls. No point telling them to 'put a cork in it', when it comes to wine at least. No glass half-full or glass half-empty dilemmas with this one. No half measures! Clearly when it comes to wine it's quantity not quality! LOL Ain't it great when an excess of anything really doesn't matter when youth is on your side!!
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