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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. If Adele did come back with her on apt it would just be like K & K apt now. Hello is there any body home. LOL that was a joke
  2. Also Adele said on her instagram that she would love to live in Barcelona so could she work out a deal with RLC like K & K done and get her on apt my be with Danaya
  3. I have News on Adele. She just landed in Barcelona yesterday. Could she be there to replace one of the girls. Remember Rita was in Barcelona a few week before coming to the apt and have you notice that Polay is staying top less now that Ilona is back.
  4. Irma only bought the tits tassel for Polya Ilona and her self. That all i seen come out of the bag. No toys. And yes Irma did seem a bit lukewarm toward Ilona
  5. It starting to look like Irma not going to be giving Polya a massage and it look like Polya not going to do nothing for the paying viewer. Well i hope Ilona come back soon. It going to be a very sad sad day when Irma and Ilona leave. I have to say when the apt open Nora keep it going then they close it down but when it open again there was Ilona and she has made thing happen in that apt Like Nora did. Just think the two girls we complying about are the one that made thing happen
  6. Well can't say for sure but she past her 30 day mark. Now it could be 15 more day like Elisa or 30 or 60 more days. She stayed in the small room so it kind to lead me to thinking she not going to be here much longer but i think Ilona will be here 90 day or longer. I found out you can get a 6 month visa or longer
  7. Did you get a good look at Polya. She had on her baggy underwear on and her grandma dress and it was way to big for her like her underwear. LOL It also look like Polya BF or some one is telling her what she can do in the apt. We have all day and all week to watch her very close and i mean very close. Ilona need to come home the apt is not the same. We all are going to miss Irma & Ilona when they are gone. I have a feeling The apt will get very boring when they are gone
  8. The big purse is where she keep her credit card and important paper and a little money. She don;'t keep much cash on her. 17:00 and Irma & Polya is gone
  9. The girls Irma & Polya are acting weird today. They have on shirt and underwear on but they also have there shorts close by them to put on. Now Irma went to her room a took off her clothes and now going to take a nap but she got her clothes close by her. So my be the apt is going UM to bring in cleaning supplies and they are out of a few thing or Ilona is coming back with her friend or Nothing going to happen at all. My be the girls are just in a weird mood.
  10. Ze81 the only thing i like to ask you did you see Rita the first time she come to the all girls apt not the second time and the first time she was there Rita even masturbate one time
  11. As i said you see what you see and i see what i see. There nobody right or wrong we all see thing different Rita was a exampl. I just made a comment and that all . End of this conversation there no need in arguing over this. Water under the bridge
  12. RLC is a business and there here to make money. There girls get a job with RLC to make money.Here a example Do you bring your real life to work with you. So this is no different. Theses girls are not going to bring there real life to work with them. These girls are only hire to make RLC money. K & K are only here for the MONEY and they use us the viewer to get what they wanted by using there popularity. I heard they make enough money off of us to open two apt
  13. Guys don't you remember that Kiko came in the apt with his work shirt on and Nora made him take it off. Kiko work at a spy and she has left one time before in the evening with just her bathing suits and no towel. Also here some thing else remember you translators translate a conversation between Kamila & Kristy and Kristy told Kamila that she went to see some guy and he give her a massage and that all that happen. So Irma could be meeting some guy that like to give a massage
  14. We all see thing different and you see it one way and we see it another way. No body right or wrong we all have or on thought on what we see.
  15. To me it look like Polya is just there passing time away. She probably got a lump sum of money to come in the apt and she not interested in bonuses or any thing else. She just waiting on her time to leave now. You guys say she coming out of her shyness but i don't see it. She still keeping her back turn to the camera to take a shower and she not showing that much nudity. When Rita was in the apt the first time Rita show more nudity then Polya has since she been there. We also don't she nothing happening between Irma & Polya like a massage or any thing. Well it least Irma & Polya are talking and not shut up in there rooms and it least or girl Irma will never leave us disappointed. Can't put much hope in Polya
  16. I think Irma is just a nudist. She had the opportunity to go all the way with Anna and Ilona and Irma back out. I think Irma is not really into girls Irma just playing around with the girls for the money. You guys think a min. When these girls come in the apt it a job and the more you do on your job the more money you make. If this is real life then the girls would pay for there share of the expanse then it would be real life But they are getting payed so it a job and not real life
  17. I trying to remember ever thing this person said. This person said also the Media company the management VV is also going to managing RLC and i think this person said there out of the UK or some where around there and this person name the Media company but i just can't remember the name
  18. There was a person that came on RLCF early in the morning and he got ban later on that day i think he talk to much and it was the first time this person was on RLCF. He said that one of the new owner own ( real life connect ) and this person said that it was BTR wife. This person said that she has her on company and RLC was going to be licensed under her company name.
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