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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. What we was told by you no who BTR is RLC is reading ever thing we are saying to try to improve RLC but what i think there going to be no improvement in the web site it just all talk to try lure in new viewer. Do you think that the paying viewer are going to keep watching all theses apt for another 5 years. And in the all girls apt what i see is the girls do like 3 show or do a little teasing for a few week and then they stop doing any thing till they go. I say the web site will be the same that it all way been just girls on vacation and fucking with our head.
  2. MrBox hellp If you don't watch Rlc 12 to 15 hour a day then you will miss out. Like today if you was not watching you would have miss the 15 min nudity out of Polya and you won't see it again till tomorrow. Now that there are stopping people from posting photo and video the only way your going to see any thing is to watch 12 to 15 hour a day or you will miss out and there a lot of you that can't do that so they will never no what happen. And yes the all girl apt is at a high with Irma & Ilona but soon they will be gone and you no RLC is not good at keeping thing going meaning getting girl back in there like Elisa or Irma or Ilona they just in up with girl like Rita or Polya
  3. For all you guys out there that don't like nudity and sex on RLC then you need to email them and tell them To put Rita and Polya and K & K all in the same apt and you have your wish but they are people on here that order RLC to see a little more then nipple cover and them shiting eating and sleeping with out making it a porn site. For me i like seeing the girl nude all the time. The human body is a beautiful thing why cover it up. I like seeing the girl live. When you watch porn they use makeup and thing to hide there real beauty and on the sex cam it to much fake shit and they don't look real. RLC is just lazy and they will put any body in there they can get and hope some of you pay for it. My order has done been cancelled
  4. Right i go around my home wearing nipple cover. Theses girls are making a joke out of RLC and us. There going to make change right. It just all BULL SHIT. These girls no what there doing. They are just taking our money and feeding us a load of shit. We just sit here 12 to 15 hour a day just waiting on them to do some thing interesting.If you just order this site just to see them on the phone and eating and sleeping then you don't need to be here you need to go to youtube. It not real life they are being payed to be there. they sign up to work for RLC. There are ways of doing thing with out looking like VV. But these girl just won't to make a joke out of it. Just wait tell Irma & Ilona leave and see how boring it really going to get
  5. Remember guys the Almighty Pussy can get what ever it won't. It never goes limp and it all way open for business. LOL
  6. Ok this is why i think Polya & Irma are being good friends. Today Irma done a photo shoot in the apt wearing sexy bra and underwear. But here the thing Polya was using her phone to video Irma and they took a lot of video in different bra and underwear. Remember Irma was talking to some one & Irma said see was not happy with her agency & she won't to find a new one. My be Polya no a agency and this is why she was video taping Irma on her phone to show to the new agency. Remember Danaya got Elisa a application to feel out to do nude photo shoot
  7. Harley Your right that where the money is and remember Elisa said that she was tired of modeling and Danya told her she could do nude photo shoot and make more money and if you do nude photo it tends to lead to porn
  8. beaver67 Well it would be nice if Polya took over when they are on there down time. Remember she has a pink toy to but i did't think her BF is going to let her use it. It must be nice to waste some one else's money and buy thing your never going to use.
  9. I have to agree that K & K are popular but when K & K sign back up they done a lot of negotiating and got a lot more money for there popularity and now if there are new owner and what is being said by one of the new owner if he is part owner of RLC is K & K are getting more money then the new owner are wanting to pay them. So these kind of behavior we seeing out of K & K my be that RLC told them they don't won't them unless they renegotiate on a lower pay and K & K are not giving in. My be she don't won't people to get a good look because it might get around the modeling agency or other agency might be calling her to do nude photo shoot or some thing. These is all i can come up with and it could be some thing else who no
  10. I think Irma & Ilona is the one that keeping RLC alive. Watch when Irma & Ilona leave the sell will go down. Now that Polya is wearing clothes she now got Irma starting to wear clothes in the apt. Will these is nothing we ain't seen before. It seem thing slow down in the girl apt When Ilona is gone. The boring days and nights are coming when I & I are gone. It could be 3 or 6 month before we see any thing happen again in that apt and we all seen these dry spell before. I hope i talking bull shit again and we see more action out of the new girls when they come. LOL
  11. Well Ilona is gone so Polya don't have to go topless today. She even wearing shorts around the apt for us. Ain't nice of her. I bet some of her viewer are really happy to see her with clothes on. WOW it was nice to see her topless for 20 min today like yesterday. It good to have some one bring so much to the apt. I just being a smartass because Polya is so boring. My be with some luck she can lose some of them clothes and make me look like a fool
  12. LMAO Sound good to me i going back and take a nap.We try to do better.have a good sleep and we try to have some news for you when you get up
  13. That what make me think Ilona is just going for a photoshoot. We see when she get back. I miss them getting up so i did not she them together this morning. Thank for letting me no about how they where getting along
  14. Sorry i just woke up and miss that part but the bag was stuff so she my not be back today.I think she was with Nora last night and Nora my have got her some work. Nora bought over cleaning supplie and after that Ilona left so i think she went with her
  15. She had a plastic bag with clothes in it and she had a small change purse like some thing you put coins or money in and her keys and phone
  16. LOL That what friend do for other friend. Also you my not have seen this. Ilona hug and kiss Polya bye and Ilona went to the kitchen where Irma was and did not give her a hug or a kiss or a good bye. She just grab some thing and went out the door. Also Ilona did not have make up on so she my have went to a photo shoot. The proof will be when she come back and if she has a lot of makeup on
  17. Hello mikeusa This guy ( iogres ) is saying i talking bull shit again when all i been doing is making comment but no need to worry it water under the bridge now and there no need to say nothing else to him. I be nice to him and if he don't won't to be nice with me i just move on
  18. Hello to you iogres. Well i making a comment like ever one else. Do you how a problem with a women being on here. You must have. That a same you are let you ignorance get in the way of a friendship but i can over look that . Not to many woman in your live that i can see or you just like being a BULLY. You not going to run me off that easy and i make all the comment i won't and i don't need your approval
  19. Hello Benfold Hope you are having a good day or night. Was Ilone awesome tonight. You just got to love that girl
  20. Thing seem to be real strange in the girls apt today and tonight. My we did to much talking on CC and the owner read what we was saying and told the girl to take a night off our two. All so when Irma was about to leave the first time it seem like Ilona started distancing her self from Irma. Well let see if one of the girls use her toy tonight
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