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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. He drinks heavy. He still live at home. And he has slept with other girl while he was dating Kristy and got no job
  2. Yes. Jenny had two phone and one of them was all her selfie and kamila all so had two phone and one of them was all her selfie. It seem to be the way they do it now. I have seen Jenny and Kamila post there photo on instagram
  3. How strange can thing change overnight With Ilona and Irma. Well i guess they are taking a break now. It a shame not seeing Ilona in the tub with Irma. My be she go in a min
  4. Blue is doing ok for now. He going to need more stents and some surgery so we going to be in the care center for a good while. With him having two stroke the waiting don't seem to bother him but it drives me crazy but i do it for him because i love him and he would do the same for me
  5. They have ac in each room but the ac in Irma room don't work and it never work since it open and i agree with you i also i Think Ilona is there the take Nora place
  6. beaver67 Don't you love waiting all day for some thing to happen. We no we going to see some thing out of Ilona & Irma most of the time but when there gone we be back on waiting all day for some thing and nothing will happen.It far and few When we get K&K OR I & A or I & I. I just keep waiting and i realized i have got all most 4 years older. Man how time can go by so slow waiting RLC you get bored out of your mind and forget the day and month just waiting on that special girl
  7. My be Ilona is getting the new format or changes for the all girl apt from Nora and they are having dinner and talking about it
  8. Irma was cleaning the tub so my be Polya and Ilona will be back soon and all 3 take a bath together. It a big Wish
  9. Also some one on here also there was a guy that help manage that apt so it could have been him instead of Nora. Also Ilona leaving with no purse or money or keys sound like she has a date with a car
  10. Ilona just brought them up and Irma just went down and met Ilona at the door. I saw the door open and also i heard a man voice so Kiko my be with Ilona helping her carry up supplie
  11. Polya left 25 min ago in jeans and and a baggy shirt and purse and money. Ilona just left with a dress on no purse or money just her phone
  12. If you notice Polya only stay topless for so long in a day then she put her top back on. It like If she stay topless for so long in a day she make this much money. BTR did say that there going to take away the viewer fee and only pay the girl for what they do in the apt. See before all the girl was get viewer fee and it was not fair. Some of the girl did nothing and made as much money as the other girl that was doing some thing. So now if a girl won't to make money in the apt then she has to earn it
  13. That find Benfold. I just say what on my mind. It up to you if you won;'t to believe or not. I not here to win a popularity contest. I just here talking like the rest of you And yes we been wrong but also we been right. Blue don't see thing the way he used to since his second stroke but he starting to get it back together.
  14. Guys you just witness some thing about Irma. This is a game for money Irma no the game well and play it well BUT Ilona won't to go farther with the game and what i seen with Irma is she stop Anna from going all the way and before Ilona left when they did the eatable cream if Irma was into girls then she would have her way with Ilona. It all for the money. But here some thing Irma has a good friendship with Ilona so Irma might give in for there friendship and go further
  15. Well ze81 Believed or not sense Ilona come back Polya has stay topless the whole time that she been in the apt today and Ilona did have a talk with her so after that we saw more of the front of Polya today in the shower. It starting to look like Ilona is there to couch the girls and there seem to be a big change in Ilona that i like now. Ilona seem to be a very different girls now she is more fun to see. It a shame that the girls that return can't change like Ilona and be more fun they boring
  16. I Did love K & K but now they never stay home and when they are home they just look at there phone or take a bath and go to bed and they don't play around not talking about sex. I am talking about what Irma & Ilona just did running around the apt and laughing and having a good time. They are hardly in the apt together. I spend more time talking to the bear on the back of the couch. LOL
  17. IF the owner are listening Please give Ilona and Irma there own apt. They are fun to watch together. Get rid of K & K and have Ilona & Irma
  18. There some thing seem to be going on but is it going to be in the apt or out side the apt. We can see Polya is leaving but Irma got her shirt out so she my be going some where to
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