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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. MrBox there is a web site that show all the traffic that RLC get and it show how much money they are bring in and it show the company that own it and it show the IP address and it show when the license expires. When this guys come on line at RLCF i ask him how to find this web site again
  2. Thestarider Maxfactor was there when i was there when all these was said And Thank you maxfactor for your help with this and i have seen some change made already to
  3. Don't S & M apt remind you of D & D apt. They had a lot of guys over in the past few years at D & D apt
  4. This is just me talking. I %100 believe there are new owner now and what i have learned that the new owner have to honor the contract the old owner had on K & K. So this means that K & K are not going no where tell there contract is expire and also what was said that RLC is not going to renew K & K contract and i think they done been notified. Also kamila does not have a yeast infection. It only take about 2 weeks to clear up a yeast infection and she still using the medication and wearing a pad and it been over 3 weeks now. Also what else was said that apt cost a lot of money so they my not keep it either
  5. Rita was real life and if all the girls in the apt was like her then i think no one would watch this apt. If you have noticed when the girl are not nude or doing some thing sexual then the chat box get quiet.. So it show that not ever one won't to see real life they do won';t to see some nudity and sex and other normal behavior so i think RLC is a mix bag of real life and fantasy and i think RLC is trying to give all of us what we won't and still keep the RLC concept. It also amazing how these young girl can being the devil out of some people by saying thing about them and by the way they talk to other on here
  6. Thank guys and that was very nice of you guys to tell me this. It fell good not to get bash when i say some thing
  7. Did any body think that Polya is from spain and did you no that Russian language is there second language so she probably had to learn it for work or just to communicate with all the Russian that come there. It like this here in Florida Spanish is or second language. Remember Sara. she was from barcelona
  8. Irma just put some kind of medcine ball up her pussy. She took it out of a pack that look like some kind of medication then put on underwear with a pad on it so that mean it going to melt inside of her
  9. Did you guys just see that. Irma got another tube of that edible cream that she us on Ilona and it a brand new tube. Look out Polya Irma coming for you.
  10. HarleyFatboy LOL i just sent you a PM right before spoon told you to do a speed test and i said the same thing
  11. The new girl took off her bra so my be they leaving early morning but although Ilona did try to take a nap today so i guess we just sit and wait and see
  12. The new girls is the one trying to close her suitcase so she only stay one night. I as happy as pigs in mud
  13. My be she taking her boring friend with her. That would be great. Then we get to see how Irma does with Polya and i just don't means massage but how they get along with each other when Ilona not there to boost them.Also remember when Ilona left Irma went out for most of the night with Anna.
  14. Hello i am the sitter for Blue tonight. I am Typing for Bonnie husband Blue. Blue say Ilona is doing what she did last time she was here. Remember she left for a few day and come back and i think she did this 2 time. So now we are stuck with the boring girls that take a shower in her bra and underwear. Now we my get to see what it like all day seeing the girls dress all the time. It was nice to see the girl have fun with there toy and if you been watching they only done it around bed time. It not like VV where the girls sit around and play with them self all day
  15. That what i hoping she just a friend of Ilona but my be she still have to sign some paper for staying in the apt. Who no i just glad to get away from RLC for a little while. Blue is the one that like RLC so Blue and the sitter can watch it now
  16. Guy i just got a sitter for Blue so i going home and have a rum and coke and play with the 4 legged children. Thank you guys for being nice to me today
  17. That what i was talking about the dildo not all the other stuff she been doing.The dildo thing seem to come on to quick and she using it a lot.It just seem a little strange. My be it just me. I sit here all day in this room with my husband so my mind wonder some time
  18. Have you ever heard the almighty dollar can make a girl do any thing. Remember Ilona has watch a lot of porn and she no how to put on a show by watching all this porn. Make you wonder if she doing it for the almighty dollar. It a little odd that she come out of the blue like that and to me being a women it just did;t look real
  19. Ever time i have two or more open it lag on me real bad so i try to only keep RLC open and then it work good for me
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