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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. And all Canadians should keep their fucking noses out of American politics.
  2. Democrats gerrymandered my Congressman's district so blatantly against him that his hometown is no longer in the district.
  3. But I didn't hear you complaining about it when Democrats were doing it. And if only Democrats were doing it you wouldn't have said a damn thing about it. Cry Baby!
  4. When voters make decisions based upon personalities rather than decisions based upon policies you get elected officials like Biden and the Democrats who are ruining the country with far left policies.
  5. The Democrats in Illinois have gerrymandered the district of my Republican U.S. Congressman to make it easier for the Democrat candidate to win in Nov., 2022. So why aren't you complaining about that, little snowflake hypocrite?
  6. That's what happens when you campaign as a moderate and then rule like a Marxist.
  7. New USA Today headline posted on MSN, "Gloomy landscape for Democrats in midterms as Biden's approval dips to 38% in USA TODAY/ Suffolk poll."
  8. I would think that people who like Hank Williams jr. music play it and people who don't like it don't play it. That's common sense, except for the "woke" people in the U.S. If THEY don't like the music then they believe no one should be allowed to listen to it.
  9. And without the Covid virus Trump would have been reelected in a landslide. But Chinese Communist government didn't care much for Trump did they? Think maybe the Chinese produced the virus in their lab and purposely released it on the world and the U.S. in order to take out Trump and ruin western economies?
  10. And a better chance that you will be paying twice the price for food in 2024 than you did in 2020.
  11. I have a hard time becoming enthused about any career politician who wants to run for president. Both Nikki Haley and Chris Christi are career politicians. Most career politicians tend to do what is good for their political careers, not necessarily what is best for the American people. That's why I don't trust how they would behave as president.
  12. Democrats see those immigrants as the future of their party, so they want the influx of immigrants to continue unabated. They believe the more that come in the better it is for the future of the Democratic Party. That's why immigrant amnesty provisions are included in the Build Back Better spending bill.
  13. The part about Youngkin not wining unless he distanced himself from Trump I'm not completely convinced of. The independents who abandoned the Democrats to vote for Youngkin may have done so because Joe Biden campaigned as a moderate, but is now ruling as a far left authoritarian.
  14. Anyone notice that Golfer has not posted a comment on this thread since Special Prosecutor Durham and the FBI arrested the Russian who worked for the Democratic Party and was a source for the Steele Dossier? Wonder if there is any connection?
  15. Wrong. We will continue to have the restrictive mandates no matter what, because the mandates are a source of power and control over American citizens by Democrat politicians.
  16. When did I ever say anything about releasing oil from our oil reserves to increase supply? That's nothing but a short term fix. The way to cause a long term reduction of energy prices is to promote an energy policy that promotes oil/natural gas exploration and production.
  17. And Merrick Garland's Justice Dept. will be filing charges against him, right? Yeah, as soon as hell freezes over.
  18. Did they?There was a lot in that bill that had nothing to do with infrastructure. Only about half the money in the bill is appropriated to infrastructure and the rest goes to the Democrats' liberal progressive programs.
  19. Nikki Haley wants to be the Republican presidential candidate in 2024, so this is her way of attacking Trump without mentioning his name. Chris Christi did a similar thing with his speech out in Las Vegas. Christi said Republicans need to stop looking at the 2020 election. That was another way to criticize Trump without mentioning his name. Christi also wants to be the Republican presidential candidate in 2024.
  20. According to CNN the 17 year old boy presented his valid legal ID and was told that he was too young to vote. At that point the boy left the polling site. Maybe the boy was just testing the integrity of the polling officials. It would have been a much bigger story if the officials had knowingly allowed a 17 year old to vote.
  21. If this story is true, it is just more proof that voter ID laws help to prevent illegal voting. So why do Democrats want to pass federal legislation that would make it illegal for states to require voters to show IDs before being allowed to vote?
  22. And where are your academic credentials to prove that she is an expert? Question: How many college degrees does Greta Thunberg have in climatology? She is 18 years old. Her father was an actor and her mother was an opera singer.I don't see where she has ever had any formal training in climatology, so how can she be considered a climate expert?
  23. Fiona Hill will be fine only because AG Merrick Garland is a political hack puppet of Joe Biden who will not prosecute crimes committed by good loyal swamp dwelling Democrats.
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