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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Too bad the despotic King George did not extend those rights to the colonists in North America. If he had we might still be a colony of Britain and avoided fighting The Revolutionary War.
  2. But that's not why you said people should be vaccinated. You said they should be vaccinated to protect other people from being infected.
  3. Personal experience, of which you have none when comes to what is happening in the U.S.
  4. But if China had not produced the virus in a lab in the first place there would have been no pandemic for the rest of the world to deal with.
  5. From the beginning we should have taken precautions to protect the most vulnerable ( the elderly, and people with preexisting medical conditions) and allowed everyone else to live a normal life. Shutdowns have prolonged the pandemic and destroyed economies.
  6. And way back in 2020 Europe was suppose to be the model for the rest of the world for how to defeat the virus. What happened? I still believe Sweden had the most sensible approach.
  7. But your being vaccinated protects you but does not protect other people. It has been proven that vaccinated people can spread the virus just as easily as unvaccinated people.
  8. And you don't have a clue as to what is really happening inside the U.S. because all your information comes from a biased left wing news media.
  9. The U.S. Federal Reserve seems to be caught on the horns of a dilemma. They need to raise interest rates to slow inflation, but if they raise interest rates they risk crashing the stock market.
  10. I've been digging through drawers in my house looking for my old WIN (Whip Inflation Now) button from the 1970s. lol
  11. Or maybe Golfer and O_U812 haven't been on this thread for awhile because they are in Kenosha testifying at the Kyle Rittenhouse trial on behalf of BLM and ANTIFA.
  12. I think you need treatment for your severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
  13. What happened to Golfer and O_U812? Haven't heard from comrade Golfer since Special Prosecutor John Durham and the FBI arrested the Russian who was the source for Christopher Steele's Trump/Russia hoax collusion dossier.
  14. According to the Secretary of Transportation, "Alfred E. Newman", part of the infrastructure money will go to destroy racist highways.
  15. If you like Democrats' policies so much why did you vote for a conservative in the Canadian election? Trudeau has much more in common with the policies of Democrats than the policies of Republicans. I don't think you know what you believe in except that you hate Donald Trump..
  16. Arrested for a fucking cartoon? Democrats have become totally insane. Where were they when Snoop Dog made a video showing him shooting Trump? Where were these people when the comedian Kathy Griffin posed holding the severed head of Donald Trump? Why were these people not outraged about the play in a New York City park reenacting the assassination of Julius Caesar with a Trump look alike stabbed to death by U.S. Senators? Such hypocrites.
  17. More deflection by Democrats who don't want to talk about issues that the American people are concerned about. Sorry, but it won't work, little snowflake.
  18. So how did Robert Mueller miss all this information during his 2 year plus investigation? Probably because he didn't want to see it?
  19. And under Nancy Pelosi a Democrat U.S. Congressman who was sleeping with a Chinese Communist spy is allowed to keep his position on the House Intelligence Committee.
  20. Biden shouldn't feel too badly about his 38% approval rating since Kamala Harris has a 28% approval rating.
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