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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The Biden administration says they have daily contacts with members of the Taliban. Wouldn't surprise me if Biden made a Taliban leader one of his advisers as part of his diversity program.😏
  2. Never thought I would see the day when I had more confidence in European leaders than I have in the President of the United States. Way to go "Sleepy" Joe Biden.
  3. Only in your distorted dreams which are totally detached from reality.
  4. Since the group of people with the largest percentage of unvaccinated are African Americans who vote 90% for Democrats, it appears they listened to what Joe Biden and Kamala Harria said about the vaccines during the 2020 election campaign.
  5. Just like you hate and fear people like Candace Owens, Nikki Haley, Sarah Palin, and Kristi Noem, right little racist sexist snowflake?
  6. The exact type answer I would expect from an authoritarian Stalinist snowflake. That's the liberal progressive approach to anyone that does not agree with them. No doubt, if you ran this thread you would have banned me long ago.
  7. Trump is the one responsible for the development of three Covid vaccines in less than a year when the brilliant bureaucrat Tony Fauci said that it was not possible.
  8. Kamala Harris would still be an idiot even if she were a white man just like Joe Biden and you are.
  9. An outright lie. Trump has never stoked vaccine skepticism. He has consistently told people to get vaccinated. In fact, if it weren't for him we probably would not yet have any Covid vaccines. It was Kamala Harris and Joe Biden who were "stoking vaccine skepticism for months" during the 2020 presidential campaign.
  10. Everything to this ignorant, evil woman is just a big political game. She couldn't care less about the people trapped in Afghanistan except for the damage it does to her political future.
  11. Front row seat in my living room watching a baseball game on tv while the Trump rally was taking place.
  12. Never had a Time subscription. Why would I want to waste my time reading the left wing garbage printed in that magazine, comrade Golfer? I get more than enough of my share of left wing lies and propaganda from you and O_U812 on this thread.
  13. If you want to move from Moscow to Texas , comrade Golfer, all you need to do is fly to Mexico and walk across our southern border, since thanks to the Biden administration it is now wide open to the whole world.
  14. That's a perfect description of your posts, comrade Golfer. You post stories from left wing propaganda blogs and gifs "that have nothing to do with anything". 😉
  15. Back to your obsession with asses again? You need some immediate professional help for your compulsive sickness, comrade Golfer.
  16. But he was a totalitarian dictator just like Stalin and Mao. Political philosophies were different, but manner of ruling were almost identical. Including using agents like you to spread their propaganda, distortions and lies, comrade Golfer.
  17. This is how a loser like you behaves when he is confronted with truths that don't fit his programmed mind. He hides behind his childish gifs.
  18. Here's a truth for you. The brilliant Joe Biden pulled our troops out of Afghanistan and abandoned a key military airbase before American civilians and Afghan refugees had been evacuated from the country.
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