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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I see President Trump is still living in your brain. Think you will ever talk about anything besides him?
  2. Reich just gave a perfect description of himself and the Democratic Party.
  3. Per USA TODAY the Supreme Court has dismissed cases questioning Trump profits from private businesses.
  4. And Michael Cohen also said the moon is made of cheese and that the earth is definitely flat. Did President Trump also issue a secret pardon for Michael Cohen? Not unless hell froze over. LMAO
  5. With every post you exhibit your severe derangement. Your parents must have been horrible people to have created someone as totally negative and evil as you are.
  6. Notice how cognitively limited Joe Biden is? He can't even have a simple conversation with the news media without note cards?
  7. Too bad that people on the left don't understand that "Freedom of Speech" means allowing people to say things that you don't agree with.
  8. Probably enjoying a round of golf and relieved that he doesn't have to live in Washington, D.C. anymore.
  9. Your mind is so limited. Same old bullshit over and over and over. You are boring.
  10. So, do we complain when Golfer butfucks you two or three times a day? That's the only time you ever smile.
  11. These are the same brilliant people who kept telling us that President Trump would pardon himself and all his family members when he left office. They are also the same fools who insisted that Trump was going to fire Robert Mueller during the Russia collusion investigation.
  12. No, I listen to other doctors who are not part of the Washington D.C. establishment swamp like Fauci is.
  13. And you are brainwashed by your own stupidity. When Joe Biden and the Democrats destroy the U.S. economy, I hope they destroy Canada's economy too. Canadians like you deserve Joe Biden and the Democrats.
  14. You are one sick sorry son of a bitch. No wonder Germany is such a fucked up country.
  15. Now you are an historian? LMAO Twitter is nothing more than a branch of the Democratic Party, so I would consider it an honor to be be flagged by the little Marxist weasel Jack Dorsey. That would give more credibility to everything I post.
  16. Who gives a a shit what Dr.Fauci says? Guess what? Fauci is not the only M.D. in the world. In fact, I consider Fauci to be more of a Washington D.C. establishment swamp dwelling bureaucrat than a medical doctor. He should feel right at home in the Biden Administration.
  17. So you admit Dr. Fauci lied. I wonder how many other times has he lied?
  18. A lesson in left wing propaganda. You are a pathetic indoctrinated joke.
  19. Do you think you will ever recover from your Trump Derangement Syndrome mental affliction? Maybe you need deprogramming.
  20. In March, 2020 Dr. Fauci on CBS' 60 MINUTES said 'there was no benefit in wearing a mask.' How many people did Dr. Fauci kill with that statement? The vaccine was distributed to the states. Unfortunately, Democrat governors were too stupid to know how to distribute the vaccine to the citizens of their states.
  21. Pushing for the development of vaccines in less than one year, which all to so called medical experts( including Dr. Fauci) laughed at and said was not possible, is doing nothing?
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