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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Why did they leave out the part of President Trump's speech where he told the crowd to "protest peacefully"?
  2. It is fact that Obama and Biden conspired to undermine the Trump presidency.
  3. The real reason Democrats want to make sure that Trump can never run for president again is because they know that he won a landslide victory against Joe Biden in the Nov.3, 2020 election, and that Donald Trump would beat any Democrat in a landslide in the 2024 presidential election.
  4. Better learn how to speak Chinese, because President Biden will do nothing to protect Australia from China.
  5. Nice Sol Alinsky tactic, but no one is ignorant enough to believe your lies.
  6. In a January 2017 meeting in the White House which was attended by Barack Obama, Joe Biden and other high level members of the Obama Administration a plan was hatched to undermine and overthrow the newly elected president Donald J. Trump.
  7. I guess that means Barack Obama and Joe Biden should be going to prison for what they did to the Trump Administration in the days immediately after Donald Trump was elected president. 😉
  8. Why is the left's answer to dissent always taking action to shut it up while at the same time claiming to be advocates for freedom?
  9. Appears the children on the left are having another temper tantrum. Time to give them their pacifiers.
  10. You don't even know what real science. Just some word that a fool like you throws around as part of your ignorant attack rhetoric.
  11. Tell that to the people of Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha, and New York City.
  12. Whether for good or bad that is irrelevant, did or did not Mandela change South Africa?
  13. I think the Democrats in Congress should take their own advice and defund the Capitol Police. Then they could use that money to replace the police with unarmed social workers and psychologists to protect them from unruly protesters.
  14. Trump supporters will see that as more proof that Trump and his supporters are a real threat to the swamp dwelling ruling class. What happened in South Africa when they put Nelson Mandela in prison? That made him even more of a hero.
  15. You didn't even comprehend what I said. Trump was not the leader of the people who supported him, he was the follower of what they wanted. The reason they supported him is because he was the only presidential candidate who was willing to fight for them against the Democrat/Republican swamp dwelling establishment. In four years he showed them that things could be accomplished that all other politicians said were impossibilities. American politics will never return to what they were before Trump became president. The genie of political change is out of the bottle and there is no putting it back in.
  16. So, there will be someone else to take his place in the fight against the elitist ruling class swamp dwellers of Washington, D.C. Those people think they can return things to the way they were before Trump, but American politics will never return to the way it was before Trump. Americans are fed up with career politicians who do nothing for the American people.
  17. Now the little snowflake thinks he has a new term to attack me with. Such a pathetic immature child. Attacking people is all you ever have to offer on here.
  18. The American people decide who is on the nomination list. We're not like the fucked up Canadian political system where the politically correct elitist run everything and the Canadian citizens bitch and complain but go along like compliant sheep anyway.
  19. You mean like all the positive change that liberal progressive governments have brought to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, St.Louis, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New York City?😉
  20. I'm amazed at how short sighted many people on here are. Their deep obsessive hatred of Donald Trump has blinded them to the dangers of what is happening. They are celebrating the fact that TWITTER has banned Donald Trump. Do they realize what has happened? The President of the United States has been silenced by the CEO of a large tech corporation. If big tech has the power to silence the President of the United States who in America can they not silence. Now they have shutdown Parler. Do you want to live in a country where the CEOs of large tech corporations have the ability to control what can and cannot be said?
  21. Don't confuse these poor indoctrinated fools with actual facts you'll destroy the liberal progressive fantasy world that they live in.
  22. What a distortion of reality by the DAILYKOS. The present day members of ANTIFA have absolutely nothing in common with the heroes buried in that cemetery. ANTIFA members are violent hate filed Marxist thugs who despise the U.S. military and hate everything that America stands for. ANTIFA has absolutely nothing positive to offer America nor the rest of the world. Their whole purpose in life is to destroy things.
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