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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You mean like the lies they told about Rush not returning to his radio program? Why would i want to read or listen to people that I know to be dishonest and biased?
  2. Can't handle the truth, can you? I have never told you to shut up or go away, but you have told me that several times. Typical intolerant liberal progressive. If you don't agree with their way of thinking you are suppose to shut up.
  3. You are not capable of debating. That's why you keep telling me to shut up. But that's the typical way liberal progressive snowflakes debate.
  4. I see the golfer received his daily dose of propaganda from the wacko left wing news media and blogs. Too bad he feels a need to share it all with us.
  5. Lebron James protests for social justice in the U.S. while becoming rich off slave labor in China. I wonder if Uyghur Lives Matter to Lebron?
  6. Lebron James protests for social justice in the U.S. while becoming rich off slave labor in China. I wonder if Uyghur Lives Matter to Lebron?
  7. The U.S. Constitution dooms our courts? Spoken like a true Democrat.
  8. If you only listen to smart people why are you so dumb? Ridiculous conspiracies? You mean like the ridiculous conspiracy about Trump/Russia collusion which you still believe?
  9. That's assuming all of Biden's votes were real. In the UK you should know all about Karma. Pretty sad when an economy is so bad that UK women need to have the government buy sanitary pads for them. Wonder how long it will take Biden and the Democrats to get our economy to that level?
  10. In 2016 Trump received 64 million votes and won. In 2020 Trump received 74 million votes and lost. During the 2020 campaign Trump would draw 30 to 50 thousand people to his rallies. Biden hardly even campaigned and when he did hold a rally he was lucky to draw 20 people. But Biden drew 80 million votes in the election? I don't think so.
  11. So you only listen to people who agree with you? No wonder your mind is so limited.
  12. Not too easy. You haven't been able to manipulate me. I also think pouring quick-setting concrete in your ears is a great idea, go ahead and do it.
  13. You ought to listen sometime, you might actually learn something and not be so dumb.
  15. No, the establishment will never overturn the election of Joe Biden because they want Trump gone. Trump messed up the ruling classes little game. Joe will revive the game and return complete economic, social and political power back into the hands of the ruling elite as it was before Trump. The American people elected Trump in 2016 and reelected him in 2020 because they were fed up with the political establishment which didn't give a damn about the welfare of hard working middle class Americans.
  16. The FDA is scheduled to hold a meeting on Dec.10 to make a decision on the vaccine. More people are dying and being infected everyday in the U.S. and these fucking swamp dwelling bureaucrats at the FDA can't move up the meeting date to speed up their decision?
  17. No evidence of voter fraud? Just a security video tape showing four poll workers illegally counting thousands votes in an Atlanta polling site after counting had officially been stopped for the night and all other poll workers were made to leave the room.
  18. That's what Dr. Fauci does. He plays to his audience. He'll go on CNN and say one thing and the next day go on Fox News and say almost the exact opposite.
  19. If he didn't dare about the rest of the world why has he been shipping ventilators to countries all around the world. Trump is President of the United States; therefore, it is his job to look out for Americans first and then the rest of the world. Too bad the wimpy ass leaders of European nations don't do the same for their people. and Trump didn't fail. The government swamp dwelling bureaucrats in the FDA failed the American people. Trump is the reason the vaccines were developed in such a short period of time. I believe the normal time frame for a new vaccine being ready for distribution to the public is eight years.
  20. That's how Fauci does. He plays to his audience. He'll go on CNN and say one thing and then say close to the exact opposite when he goes on Fox News.
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